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Hello! This is a new book, completely revamped from the previous one.

This AU's information
— Boboiboy has a older brother named Kai (NOT KAIZO) who has the Eclipse power, I don't know much about this power but I'll try my best to make it interesting.

— Boboiboy's older brother is a captain in Laskar Station. Boboiboy's dad aka Berdikari Father ehem- Amato is a Admiral in Laskar Station.

— Boboiboy is 17 years old, Gopal is 19 years old, Fang is.. 18 years old?, Ying is 16 years old, Yaya is 17 years old, Kai is 24 years old.

—Timeline takes place after BBB Movie 2, though Boboiboy has already unlocked some third tiers in this AU.

— Boboiboy's Elementals are his found family and brothers.

All characters used is from Monsta (Except for Kai, Reo, and Meo), I am simply borrowing the characters for this book!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this book! Just a reminder that I'm a student, so I apologize in advance if I don't update on any of my current books.

I hope you enjoy this book! I apologize for any wrong Malay spellings, I'm practicing Malay. Forgive me for any typos, vocabulary, and grammar, mistakes, English is not my mother language.



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