Chapter 4

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"Everyone! We have arrived at Icikles!" The captain said as he landed the spaceship.

"Well, we've arrived. Let's get going guys!" Boboiboy said as the others nodded, taking in the planet before them.

Everyone's wearing thick layered clothing, except for Gopal.. "Brr... It's cold here!" "Haiya, who told you not to wear a coat or something?" "Dey Ying, I was eating and playing games!" "Not my fault you forgot to wear a coat and was so busy with eating and playing games!" Ying and Gopal continued to argue as the others covered their ears.

"Okay, the two of you stop!" Boboiboy said, Ying and Gopal quickly shut up while they glare at each other.

Boboiboy takes off his coat and gives it to Gopal who said thank you so many times. Man, this guy will kill him eventually.

"Oi Boboiboy! What are you doing?" Fang said as he saw Boboiboy giving Gopal his coat.

"Eh, giving Gopal my coat, why?" Boboiboy replied innocently, not knowing what is wrong with giving his best friend his coat.

"Why? You're asking why? It's so cold here! You can get sick easily!" Yaya said as she stood in front of Boboiboy making him stop and put her arms on her hip.

"Hehe, I'll be fine! Tok Kasa's training taught me how to handle myself in a cold weather like this!" Boboiboy said as he defended himself confidently.

"Haiya, just use your Ice element." Ying suggested while giving a unamused face to Gopal.

"I need to save energy, who knows there will be a enemy later?" Boboiboy defended himself again as the team sighed in defeat. 

Boboiboy can technically hear the lectures coming from his elements as soon as they are out of his watch, he will never hear the end of it. 

"You guys are quite protective for your leader huh?" The captain said as he pull down his hood from the wind since it almost blew his identity.

"Yaloh! He always protects us, defend us, keeping us from danger and many other good things. We are definitely in debt with him." Ying said as Boboiboy just scratched the back of his neck.

Kai just chuckled at his little brother's behavior as he would do the same to his little brother. He then received a signal of Icebot in a cave.

"Hm, looks like the signal is detecting Icebot in that cave. Let's go get it!" Kai said as the team nods and ran with him.

As they reach the cave, they saw the power sphera being held by 4 big Ice golems.

"Who dares to tresspass our cave!?" One of the golems said as the golem saw Kai and the team.

"What is your purpose here!?"

"We are here to get Icebot." Boboiboy replied.

"Icebot? Heh, get through us first! Attack guardians!"

"Alamak, They're attacking!" Yaya said

"Ying, Yaya, Gopal, and Fang! You guys attack them, Boboiboy with me to try and get the power sphera!" Kai commanded them as he began running to the Ice guardians "Yes Captain!" The team saluted and they all split.

"Boboiboy Kuasa Tiga!" Boboiboy splitted to Ice, Blaze, and Solar. It's a good thing that Boboiboy is in Ice's body to help with the weather.

Two guardians were on their tail as the guardians saw their plan.

"Cakera Api!"

"Tembakan Solar!"

"Panah Ai- Argh!" Boboiboy didn't have time to dodge the attack and got hit into a mountain.

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