Chapter 3

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Third person POV:

Boboiboy woke up from his sleep and took a shower, of course he didn't forget his dinosaur cap. As he sat down and read a book about power spheras, we can see Gopal and Fang who had just woken up and taking turns for the shower.


The boys then got up and went to the Main Control Room.

"Dey Boboiboy, why do you think Admiral called us to the Control Room?" Gopal asked as he was yawning as he had just woken up, his stomach growling for food since he didn't get enough time to eat.

"Hmm, I don't know Gopal. Maybe it's a mission?" Boboiboy did a thinking pose and shrugged.

As the boys arrived to the room, here they can see the captain in his black clothing, Admiral Maskmana, and a person in red armor.

"Boboiboy, Gopal, and Fang here to your request, Admiral!" Boboiboy and the boys saluted as they see the girls who already arrived earlier than them, of course.

"Uhm, is there a mission for us, Admiral?" As Boboiboy just slightly tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes Boboiboy, it's a mission. The mission is on this planet called Icikles (I made this name up, please don't attack me!) to save a power sphera called Icebot and the captain will come along with you." The red armored person replied to Boboiboy instead of Maskmana.

"Sorry sir, but who are you?" Ying asked politely, confused on who this is since the team hasn't met him before.

"Ah, I'm a Admiral here in Laskar Station." He replied receiving ooh's from the team.

(A/N: I just remembered something, Bbb doesn't know about Amato mechanizing with Mechabot's form, Bbb only knows that Mechabot is a power sphera and he never saw his dad in the mechanize form!)

"We should get going now, cadets!" The captain replied, receiving nods from the team and ran to the spaceship.

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"We should arrive at planet Icikles in two hours!" The captain said to the teenagers, receiving a nod from all of them in return.

"Alright guys, you can have a break while we wait." Boboiboy said as everyone left to do their own thing leaving him, the captain and Boboiboy alone in the main room.

"Boboiboy, did you get enough rest last night?" Ochobot asked his best friend, worried for his health knowing how reckless and selfless he can be.

"Haih, I did Ochobot. You can trust me this time." Boboiboy replied as he looked at the outside to the stars and planets they are passing by.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but what does your companion mean?" The captain asked confused.

"Aih, Boboiboy here is reckless and selfless. Meaning he puts others before himself, he doesn't even get enough sleep too! Boboiboy is always helping others when he himself needs help." Ochobot said as the said boy just scratched the back of his neck chuckling nervously.

Kai just stood there shock, now knowing what his little brother went through all this time in Earth. Kai is slightly disappointed in himself because he didn't protect or even help his little brother.

"Hm that just reminds me Boboiboy, who's that boy in the picture when you were a baby?" Ochobot asked, want to know about the boy in the picture Tok Aba once showed Ochobot through the family album back in Earth.

"Oh. That's my older brother, Kai." Boboiboy replied once his older brother was mentioned, Ochobot realises the sudden mood change and wondered why Boboiboy was now frowning.

"Erm, where is he now Boboiboy?" Kai asked, knowing the answer but he wanted to know from Boboiboy himself, wanting to know what his little brother thought of him.

"I don't know and I don't really care. He and my dad left me at Pulau Rintis alone with my grandfather, Tok Aba, didn't even send me a letter or anything. Even if it's a single word, I would've accepted. But neither of them sent me a letter." Boboiboy sighed as he looked at Ochobot then Kai, "It's been seven years, I'm getting tired of waiting." Boboiboy replied as he leaves the control room with a saddened Ochobot following behind him.

Kai stood there shocked holding back tears, his little brother who he played wooden swords fighting with? The one who plays mechanize with Mechabot? He's getting tired of waiting for his older brother and dad to come back to him.

At this point, Kai was just too deep in thought that he started shedding a few tears. He walked to a room with no one in it, shut the door and leaned against it.

"I'm sorry, my little brother."


Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this book! Just a reminder that I'm a student, so I apologize in advance if I don't update on any of my current books!

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the book for now and forgive me for any typos, vocabulary, and grammar, mistakes, English is not my mother language.

All characters used is from Monsta (Except for Kai), I am simply borrowing the characters for this book!

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