Ch 46 A prostitute !

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Ahil remained busy taking care of Hiya the whole night. In the morning, Hiya's body cooled down a bit. Seeing this, Ahil felt a little relieved.

Hiya opened her eyes slightly and saw Ahil sitting beside her and smiled. Placing his lips on her forehead, he said softly, "How are you feeling now?"

"Hmm...feeling better!" In return she smiled and replied softly.

Hearing this, he took a breath. Seeing the love and care for her in Ahil's eyes, she remembered his old times, how Utkarsh used to beat him, leave alone , that person used to torture him even for food. Hiya remained hungry and thirsty like this for two-two days.

She remembered that when she was very hungry and there was nothing to eat at home, nor was her condition such that she could get up and cook something for herself, then she satiated his stomach by eating raw rice. By drinking full or plain water. Many times she had to suffer from stomach pain due to eating raw rice.

And at such times there was no one to take care of her. Hiya had tears in her eyes remembering her old days.

As soon as Ahil's gaze fell on her moist eyes, he became nervous. He got a little panicked and asked her, "Hey, why are you crying? Is it that you are feeling pain somewhere? Look, don't panic, I will stay with you the whole day today and take care of you. I also called in the office. I refused saying that my wife is unwell today, so I will not come to the office today. Now stop crying, the doctor will also be coming in some times."

Ahil was talking to Hiya when suddenly Hiya hugged Ahil tightly. Ahil went on silent mode on her sudden reaction.

"I love you. I really do love you Ahil. And I am so Lucky that I got you. I don't want anything from the world except you Ahil. I just want you to always walk step by step with me. I really have no interest in your money, I just want your support. Lifelong companionship. Ahil, I didn't even know when I started loving you so much. But my love is true." She was holding his shirt tightly to his chest with both of her fists and was continuously shedding tears.

He had no answer to Hiya's expression of love. He again remembered the same moment when Hiya had demanded an additional Rs 50 lakhs from his mother for the marriage.

"You have built this marriage on the foundation of money, Hiya. No matter how much I love you, I can never forget this marriage of a deal. A marriage which is tied to the deal is never strong. It's possible and I will never be able to love you with all my heart even if I want to." He was able to think all this in his heart. But could not muster the courage to speak her. Because somewhere he too had fallen in love with her. Which he could not deny.

Here, Hiya was waiting for his reply but Ahil got a little hurt after not getting any reply. She soon realized her mistake, "sorry...I shouldn't have said all this. Well, a bought girl..."

While she was speaking, Ahil looked at her angrily and said, "Don't call yourself a prostitute in front of me. I don't like it." Before he could say anything else, suddenly Doctor Tiwari, who was his family doctor, came to check him up.

He quickly gave her the clothes he had taken out from the cupboard and said, "Doctor Tiwari has come. You change quickly. I am going downstairs to take him."

As soon as he went downstairs, Hiya changed her clothes while sitting on the bed because she had slept only in a towel yesterday night.

After some time, the doctor gave sleeping injection to Hiya so that she could get some rest, then said to Ahil, "Take care of your wife and she should not take bath at all in the evening, because if she takes bath in the evening then she will be like this. She will be ill. I hope you understand, Mr. Raizada."

Ahil replied yes to the doctor's words, and then after the doctor left, he came and sat at the same level as Hiya. While sleeping, Hiya looked exactly like a doll.

He kept looking at Hiya like this for a long time. Looking at her carefully, he thought in his mind, what is Hiya? If searched, there are many evils in her. And if we look at it, there is no harm in you.

"Hiya, if you love me so much then why did you demand so much money? You know, you did not marry me but it seems like you have sold yourself? Have you bid for your own body? After all, why did you do this? I am not able to give you a place in my heart even if I want to. But this is also, I want to hate you but I am not able to hate you? Why is this happening to me?"

Ahil became very restless after hearing Hiya's proposal. He was not able to understand whether in this situation he should love her in return or hate her?

Ahil also got affected by this dilemma because due to taking care of Hiya, Ahil also did not sleep the whole night.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Hiya opened her eyes. As soon as she opened her eyes, her eyes went to Ahil sleeping near her, who had held Hiya so tightly in his arms even in sleep, that Hiya was not even able to move.

She slowly tried to remove his hand from her breast but the next moment Ahil hugged her more tightly.

She tried this a couple of times but her efforts were unsuccessful. That's why she also got tired and started looking at him nonstop by placing her head on his chest.

Today Hiya had looked at Ahil to her heart's content, because usually she could not make eye contact with him, but today Ahil was sleeping, and the opportunity was also good.

Then suddenly Ahil's eyes opened and she looked down in fear and panic.
As soon as Ahil opened his eyes, he saw her looking down and he said smilingly in her ear, "What happened, did your heart get filled with seeing me?"

She got a little nervous at his question, "Wh... what?"

"Is this that your heart is full?" Ahil replied by pushing back the strands of her hair with his finger.

"No... no... I was just looking at you for a bit, I was just thinking about something." She made an excuse.
"Oh come on... don't even lie now because I have caught your lie... next time think carefully and look at me." He laughed and made fun of her.

"Okay...change the topic. I'm very hungry now, so get out of my way."

Saying this, she was ready to get down from the bed when Ahil took her in his arms with a jerk and then looking at her said, "Whatever work you have to do, tell me Hiya, don't walk around like this and you will have to stay on bed for 2 days." Don't get off at all."

Hearing this, Hiya was also jealous of her luck, that she has got such a caring life partner, then the next moment she remembered the contract, she became a little sad. That she and Ahil were together only for a few moments.

She said in her mind, "Hiya, there is a world of difference between you and Ahil, you are the dust of the earth, whereas Ahil is the shining star of the sky. Anyway, I cannot betray Ahil's mother, she only hires me on contract basis. She has brought me as her daughter-in-law." She heaved a sigh.

Here, when Ahil saw Hiya silent, he said, "What happened? In what thoughts are you lost in now?"

Hearing his voice, Hiya came into the present, then said to him, "Nothing, I am just thinking, how did a person who rules over thousands of people become a servant to my orders?"

Hearing this, Ahil got nervous and changed the subject and replied, "I have not become a servant to your orders, I am helping you only because you are ill."
Answering her, he looked into Hiya's eyes and said in his mind, "Yes! It is true, Hiya, when did I become a servant of your orders due to my love for you, that even my heart did not get the news."

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