chapter 6 : deja vu...

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Thom pov :

I went to pick up my baby from his office ...he came out ...I waved to him..he smiled and jumped into my arms ...I kissed his cheek ...

Tyler - why are you here na ?

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Tyler - why are you here na ?.. hmm ?..

Thom - I want to pick you up na...

Tyler - i brought my bike...

Thom - let's go to the beach on your bike then...

He smiled and nodded...he hopped on the bike ...I hopped on it after him...I slid my hands on his waist resting my head on his shoulder...

Tyler - stop being naughty na baby...

Thom - i just came to know that going on a bike is more romantic than a car ..

He pecked my hand and put his helmet on ....he started the bike ...we are riding to the beach ...we planned to go to the beach actually ..I hugged him tighter feeling his warmth...

Tyler - stay still na baby...

Thom - you look so sexy while driving a bike na baby...

He smiled ...we went to the beach ...we both got down ..we removed our shoes and started walking on the shore good breeze is brushing our faces..sun is gonna set down ...

Tyler - this is so good na

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Tyler - this is so good na..

I held his hand and intervened our fingers...

Thom - baby I wanna ask you something ..

Tyler - what is it ?...

Thom - you agreed to be my boyfriend to know the information about the project right ?...

Tyler - yeah ...

Thom - why ?..

Tyler - you mean ?..

Thom - i mean to protect your brother or to get evidence to arrest him ?...

He looked at me ...

Tyler - what do you think ?...

Love's Enduring Legacy 3: MY AE Where stories live. Discover now