chapter 11 : know ...

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Antony pov :

We started heading to Peter's home ...the car stopped infront of his home ..Peter looked at me...

Antony - get down ...

He smiled and wiped his tears ..I got a phone ...Peter got down ....

Antony - who's this ?..

Some one - how dare you kill my men antony?... Your brother cooperates with you well right ?....just wait and watch .. heard you are in a relationship with a college kid ?... He will die now ...

My eyes widened ... I got down immediately...someone started firing at Peter...I pulled him to me and covered him...I groaned in pain when a bullet went into my shoulder men got down immediately and shot the snipers ...

Can - who was that boss ?...

I parted and checked Peter in worry ...

Antony - are you okay ?..

Antony - are you okay ?

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He nodded ...I caught his hand and got into car back ....

Can - boss ...

Antony - XY's asshole did that ...

Can - shit that bastard !...

I sighed heavily and rested my head back ...

Antony - let's go home ...

Can - yes boss...

Peter touched my shoulder ...

Peter - P !... are hurt !...

I sighed ...

Antony - just a small wound ...

He started crying again ...god !.. what a headache ...

Antony - can you be just silent ?'s my shoulder and my pain !'s not like you got hurt or anything ....stop crying ..

Peter - b...but must be in pain P ...( sob ).. got hurt because of me ....

I grabbed his hair tight making him hiss...he looked at me with those worry teary eyes.... How can I not love my king ?..his gaze is still soft as ever ...

Antony - my brother will kill me if you get hurt ...okay ?....I did it for him ..not for you !.. don't think I protected you or something ....I don't wanna go to jail ...

I don't wanna go to jail

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