chapter 31 : lunch ?...

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Tyler pov :

   I should invite nong peter and ae ...whom should I call ?...nong pete ?.. no said he is angry at me..i should call ae ...I called him breathing heavily ...I don't have enough courage too ..he picked it up...

Antony - yes P ...

Tyler - h..hello brother ...

Antony - yeah P ..

Tyler - hmm...t..the matter is ...

My hands started shaking ...

Antony - iam listening P ..

I gathered up my courage and talked ..

Tyler - so ...are you free tomorrow?..

Antony - tomorrow?..

Antony - tomorrow?

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Tyler - mm...

Antony - i have few meetings but I can manage ..what's the matter P ? need any help ?..

Tyler -'s just that...can you come home tomorrow...for lunch ?..

Antony - h..home ?..

Tyler - yeah ...bring nong peter and Khushi too ..let's have a family lunch's been many days right ?...

Antony - lunch ?...w..why so sudden P ? don't like me to visit home right ?...d..did I do anything wrong ?...are you angry at me or something ?..

I controlled my tears...

Tyler - it's not like that didn't do anything wrong na...please come to lunch na misses you ...

Antony - ?... It's okay P ...I can meet her outside ..

Tyler - no ...i ..I miss you too ...

He went silent suddenly ..

Tyler - little brother ?..

I heard a sniff ...

Tyler - w..what happened na ? don't want to come ?'s okay if you don't want to na ....

Antony - P's just that ..( sob ).. i's been many years s..since you said you missed me ...a..and called me little brother ...( sob )....i..i feel so weird all of sudden ..

i feel so weird all of sudden

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