chapter 10 : who ...

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Tyler pov :

My heart felt like it would burst anytime ...flashes of the past when my lord got hurt infront of me are roaming in my mind knees gave up and i can't breath anymore lord..I checked him ...I breathed in relief ...he is okay ...

Ae left in his car with pete ...

Tyler - guys..take the report from customers of this cafe ...

Officer - yes cap ...

Thom - w..what's going on here ?...

He is crying so bad ...I wiped his tears and hugged him tight breathing out ...thank god he is fine ..

Tyler - you are okay baby ?..

Thom nodded a bit ...he pointed to the road...

Thom - little pie ...

Tyler - he will be alright ...hmm ?... I will bring him back...

He shook his head...

Thom - little pie was crying ...( sob )...he was sad !...w...what if that bad guy hurts my little pie ?...

He started biting his nails in tension..

Thom - momma and dadda will be sad ...( sob )...t..they will cry too...( Hiccup )... Little pie ...

He is acting a little bit different ...he knows about ae ...didn't he said ae is a nice guy ?..I wiped his tears ...

Tyler - it's okay na baby ... Don't cry na...hmm?...little pie will be fine...please don't cry ...

He wiped his nose and nodded ...

Thom - w..who are you ?...

My mind just blew away

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My mind just blew away ...what ?...he doesn't know me ?... He got hit on his head ?..I checked his head in worry ...

Tyler - did you get hurt baby ?...

He shook his head ...he pushed my hands away ..

Tyler - then?'s me na....your boyfriend ..Tyler ...

Thom - no ...i don't know who you are ! are a police man ..that's all....that bad guy took my little pie away ...

He stood up in worry ...he ran away suddenly...I followed him...he ran to counter and took his phone...

Tyler - thom ...what happened na ?..

He called someone ...

Thom - h..hello ...( sob )... Marky ...

He wiped his tears...

Thom - ..iam not crying ...( sob )... S..some bad guys came to our cafe and started shooting ...( sob )... T...they had real guns!...A big bad guy t..took little pie away ...( Hiccup )... I..iam so scared !...

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