Chapter 4: Do it.

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"Do you even know how to use those toys?" Babe asks, This child doesn't seem like he has experience in this. 

"Yeah, I saw some videos," Pooh replied, smiling at Babe. 

"Where's your closet?" Pooh, ask because I forgot to get something. 

"The door next to the bathroom" Babe replied, to which Pooh nodded in understanding, so he went over and came inside the walk-in closet to look for a neck tie. He will use it as a hand cuff because a neck tie is more appealing than an actual hand cuff. 

He went back to the bed, and seeing Babe still sitting on the bed made him smirk. That caused Babe to swallow because of excitement. Pooh stops in front of Babe. He gently lifts his chin and looks deeply into Babe's eyes before leaning in for a kiss. The kiss was passionate and gentle, but it never failed to arrouse Babe; his hard work became even harder, and his breathing became erratic. 

Pooh reaches out for Babe's nipples and pinches, causing a yelp from Babe, and lets go of their kiss. He is breathing heavily, and his body's trembling from so much satisfaction. Pooh smiled at his work because this is his first time ever doing something like this, but he'd never thought it'd be so satisfying. 

"Phi, I want to see how you please yourself," Pooh said to Babe with a sharp look in his eyes. Pooh traces his slender fingers on Babe's lips down to his nipples and abs until the hem of his boxers. I might cum at this rate, Babe. 

"I'll do it," he says as he stops Pooh's hands from touching his tip. He knows how sensitive he is, and his heightening senses are not helping at all. He leaned into the headboard as he was about to move his boxers. Pooh, stop him. He was holding the nipple clamps, which have a vibrator attached to them. 

Pavel looks at it in a daze. He knows how to use these toys, but never in his dream would he be trying it right now with this child and zero experience as well. He knew he should stop, but he doesn't have the courage. 

"W-wait" He stutters because he doesn't know what to feel; he doesn't want those to begin with. Pooh can smell the pheromone Babe was giving off, and he puts the nipple clamp and the vibrator aside. 

"Phi, if you want it, you should tell me." Pooh said as he saw Babe relax a little, and Pooh kissed Babe softly. "Yeah, sorry about that." Babe replied, leaning on the headboard, looking straight at Pooh's eyes, seducing him. But the younger ones surely will not fall for it.

"Do it," said Pooh, and Babe knows exactly what he's saying, so the older one began to pump his private again and pinch his nipple at the same time, and his head fell back because of pleasure. The younger man watched with an intense gaze, and he couldn't hold himself anymore. He touched himself the same way Babe was touching himself. 

They were both breathing heavily. They watched each other pleasuring themselves as they both came at the same time. Pooh's head fell back because the thought of touching himself in front of a stranger was new to him. In fact, this is also his first time. 

Before Pooh could react, he was pushed into the bed with Babe on top of him, smiling mischievously. Babe removed his boxers and Poohs. The younger was surprised but was cut off with Babe's lips intertwined with his. Lost in the moment, mixed with Babe's movement. 

Babe's lips traveled down to his ear lobe, licking and biting it softly, down to his neck, where Pooh gave Babe more access for Babe to kiss his neck even more until red marks were visible. Down to his nipple, Pooh's head fell back as Babe's lips continued on their adventure exploring Pooh's body. 

Babe reached Pooh's navel as he abused it with his lips, and Pooh couldn't hold his voice anymore. Babe again abused another part of his body, which was his V line, and it was so sensitive, and Pooh never knew it would feel like that. Babe is satisfied with his work. He took mercy on Pooh's little friend, who was leaking with cumin, as hard as it would be. 

Babe sits up a little to look at the sight before him: Pooh's eyes drunk in the moment, heavy breathing, knuckles turning white from gripping the bed sheet, as legs tremble and feet press on the mattress. Babe smirked as he took Pooh hard on his mouth, which made the younger scream as he was sensitive, sensitive beyond control. 

Babe took a hold of his member as he licked the cum, clearly tasting it. Pooh again moaned with a hoarse voice. Babe continues to lick only the head like a lollipop, with his hands holding it to position it in his mouth. Pooh's lost in the sensation, and Babe took advantage to lick his hole as he stopped sucking his member and sucked his hole instead while his hand continued his magic. 

Babe was sucking his hole and inserting his tongue inside his tunnel. Pooh's voice was like music to his ears. When he thought it was wet enough, he inserted one finger pushing the walls, another finger scissoring his entrance while pumping the member, and a third finger stretching his entrance while scissoring it. 

When it's loose enough for him to enter, he quickly gets the lube and condoms on the nightstand beside the headboard, puts on the condom, and applies a decent amount of lube to his member. Babe positions himself in front of Pooh's entrance and looks at the little boy for any discomfort, but the younger one just nods at him for reassurance. 

He inserted the tip slowly, not to hurt the younger, because he was so tight and caused the older to breathe heavily at the tightness around his head. Not even half was inside, but he's feeling sensitive because of his heightening senses. 

"Pooh, ahh-" He moaned, holding the younger one's legs into his shoulder. "Dang it," Babe breathed out, waiting for Pooh to adjust to his size. When he felt the younger one relax, he moved again slowly, which caused Pooh to moan. 

Babe put Pooh's leg into the bed to lean on for a kiss, and they kissed slowly, savouring each other's lips, which tasted like alcohol. Babe reached Pooh's nipples to play with them, his thumb circling around the tiny buds of his nipples. He felt tightness around his member as Babe played at Pooh's nipples. Pooh let out an airy breath, which made Babe smile at the younger man caressing his hair and look at him sweetly. 

"Phi, you can move now." Babe smiles at the younger response, to which he slowly moves, fully inserting his size. "Pooh ahh-" Babe moans his name as the younger man teases him by tightening his hole. Pooh just smiles despite knowing he'd hurt himself. Babe, fully inside the younger one, said, "Don't do that; you'll hurt yourself." Babe places a soft kiss on Pooh's forehead. 

"It's okay, phi," Pooh said as he hugged Babe's neck, smiling at the older one. Babe started to slowly but surely not hurt Pooh. After some time, when Pooh fully adjusted to his size, he began to move faster and faster. The only thing you could hear from the room was the slapping sound of their bodies and their moans as Pooh came when Babe continued to hit his G-spot. Babe followed after. They did many rounds until they decided to stop. Babe helps Pooh to bathe, and he takes really good care of him, which makes the younger heart melt. 


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