Chapter 3: Yes, Master.

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A/N: Here's Pavel

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A/N: Here's Pavel. I forgot to upload in the last chapter. Just Imagine it black.


Pooh texts Pon while waiting for Pitbabe to come back. He may seem relaxed, but his mind is in a mess right now, it's his first time in this club and in this situation.

After a few rings, Pon answered the phone. "Ai Pon, What should I do?" Pooh asked his friend who lured him here because he didn't expect to be in this situation.

"What do you mean? Of course you'll sleep with him," Pon texted teasingly.

"You idiot. I don't want to sleep with a stranger," Pooh replied, almost snapping at Pon for his suggestion. Well, you have two options. One, you'll just escape and go home. two, do something with him.

Pon Replied. "Are you crazy? How could I escape? He's treating me nicely, and I will only make a bad impression." Pooh replied.

"That's on you; I'm sure you can manage." Pon said, stressing Pooh even more. "You're no help. Why'd you drag me here in the first place?" Pooh replied, annoyed with his friend. "Just go with it, bye." Pon relied, making pooh sighed.

"Here," Pitbabe handed Pooh a glass of liquor; he took it and put his phone in the bed. Pitbabe sat beside Pooh and took a sip of his drink. "Why are you so tense?" Pitbabe spoke and took another sip of his drink.

"I'm just not used to this," Pooh answered, taking a sip of his drink.Babe started a casual conversation, seeing how distracted the boy was. "What year are you in?" Pitbabe stated, to which Pooh replied.

"1st year of engineering" Pitbabe raised an eyebrow, but Pooh couldn't see it, of course. Babe was still wearing the mask. "Do you work?" Babe asked, seeing how well the boy dressed, that's one thing that caught his eye during the performance earlier.

"Yes, I'm a freelancer." Pooh said, and Pitbabe raised his eyebrows and looked at Pooh from up and down. "Oh, great." Pavel took his last sip at his drink, and he reached the bottle of liquor at the table beside the bed to refill his glass. He put some ice in it, and he gently twirled the glass.

They continued to talk as the time went by. Pooh's getting dizzy; he has a low alcohol tolerance. Pooh's looking at Pitbabe with blurry vision; the drink was too strong for him. He never diverted his eyes from Pitbabe. Although he's wearing a mask, you can tell just by looking at his eyes, lips, and body that there's a handsome face hidden under the mask. Everything he did looked attractive to Pooh's eyes. The last thing he knew, he was kissing Pitbabe.

Pitbabe was shocked at the sudden movement of Pooh's but decided to reciprocate the kiss anyway. They're sucking each other's lips, tasting the flavour of the liquor they just drank. Pitbabe deepened the kiss and made Pooh lay on the bed, and Babe was on top of Pooh. Babe's legs were in Pooh's crotch doing their job. Babe moved his legs sensually in Pooh's crotch, and a visible tent was showing and causing Pooh to groan.

Babe took the opportunity to shove his tongue in Pooh's mouth. Pooh grabbed Babe's arms to push him off, but his attempt wasn't too much; he was having a hard time breathing because of the intense kiss Babe was giving. He noticed the other boys struggles, so he stopped kissing him and proceeded to Pooh's neck to kiss it and make a watermark there. He inhaled the boy's scent, which smelled like strawberry and honey.

"You smell so nice." He whispered in his ear and kissed it. Making Pooh feels goosebumps in his body. Babe takes off Pooh's shirt and kisses his right neck down to the collar bone. He bites it softly enough for Pooh to feel electricity all over his body as he arches his head, gripping the bed sheet, making his knuckles turn white. After that, Babe went down to his nipple, abusing his perky buds as he sucked on them aggressively until they turned red while pinching the other nipple.

Pooh's legs move, finding friction with his rock-hard sword. He looks so messy right now; his styled hair is now all over his face; he is hard breathing, moaning, whining, and lost in the moment. As Babe continues to do his job, he goes further to Pooh's abs down to his pavel right below his belly button, sucking on it as he leaves a mark wherever his lips touch. He stopped what he was doing to see how Pooh reacted to his work. He surely was enjoying the view under him; he bit his lips at his master peace.

He looks down to see the tent on Pooh's pants inching to be released from his pants. Babe reaches out to the buttons of Pooh's pants as he pulls down the zipper slowly and carefully, not to hurt the little monster hiding behind it. Precum was leaking at his tip, making a visible wet tent in his grey boxers. When Babe was about to remove his boxer, Pooh grabbed Babe's wrist to stop him. "Phi, I can't." That's all he could mutter as he looked at Babe pleadingly. "You can't?" Babe kissed him softly, to which Pooh hugged Babe's neck.

"How about telling me what you want, and Phi will do it?" Babe suggested, to which Pooh nodded with blushing cheeks. "Come on, tell me." Babe stroked Pooh's hair as Pooh closed his eyes, enjoying Babe's affection. "I want to use toys on you." Pooh's said, making Babe smile widely. "Okay, let's get into it." Babe said as he guided Pooh to get out. "Phi, Can you remove your clothes except the boxers?" Pooh commanded, to which Babe responded, Yes, Master. "Good boy,"

Babe's licks Pooh's lips. He reaches out for a kiss, but Pooh pulls away so quickly. So he just knelt on the floor and looked up at Pooh, who changed his demeanour so quickly that the innocent boy was completely gone. Pooh removed his pants but left his boxers on. He sat down on the bed and aggressively reached Babe's chin to make him look into his eyes.

He teasingly put his foot in Babe's thigh and slid it to his hard rock sword, causing Babe to moan at the sudden movement. "Sssh" Pooh shuts him up, then he yanks Babe's collar, forcing Babe to stand up, caught off guard, then he pushes Babe to the bed. He left Babe there to get some toys, which he will use on Babe after he chooses the toys he wants, and went back beside the bed. He lays all the toys he picks—the whip, nipple clamp, p*nis plug, and vibrator—on the bed. "Fck!" He's not innocent at all." Babe thoughts


Hi, it's been a long time, please bare with any grammatical errors i will do proof reading when I have time and also tomorrow is graduation day, so wait a little longer na? Thank you, bye bye. ✨

BabeCats, PooHoopers, Mummies. ✨💐

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