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[Toxic relationship, Use of curses and swearing, Trauma, Angst]

"Hey, Y/N"

I was reading a book in the library when someone called my name. I looked at the direction and waved my hand at him

"Iwaizumi-kun" He smiled at me and pointed at the seat infront of me. I gestured my hand to let him know that it's not occupied.

"What are you doing here all alone? Where's your good for nothing boyfriend?" he asked

I looked at him with a questioning look

"I thought he was with you and the others? He told me not to wait for him, because you guys will practice late"

He looked at me confused "But we don't have any practice today. We only had a short meeting for our upcoming matches and Oikawa left early. I thought he was going to meet you; guess I was wrong"

"Ohhh .... maybe he already went home. I'll just call him later and ask about it"

He looked really worried so I gave him a smile

"Don't worry Iwaizumi-kun. Maybe he just probably forgot to tell me."

"But Y/N this is not the first time he lied to you like that. You should talk things out."

"Yeah I know, this is nothing though. Atleast he ain't hurting me or something."

I heard him sigh and nodded his head

"Alright" he looked at his watch and said "It's getting really late aren't you going home? And try calling the jerk so he can go home with you. You guys are living together anyways"

"Oh, I don't think that's necessary"

He looked at me with questioning look


"Tooru is going to stay with his family tonight"

"Okay, then how about this. Let me take you home. It' pretty late it's not safe for you to walk alone"

I shaked my head "No it's alright, I can go home by myself. And your house is far from our house Iwaizumi-kun. I don't want to be a bother"

"It's fine, It's not that a big deal. I am so going to kill your boyfriend tomorrow for leaving you and letting you go home alone in the middle of the night"

I chuckled and just accepted his offer because saying no to him will be no use. He will still send me home and will even drag me if I refuse to take his offer.

I grabbed my books and putted them in my bag.

"Okay I'm done. Let's go Iwaizumi-kun"

He nodded and we started walking towards the exit.

[At home]

"I'm really sorry for the bother Iwaizumi-kun. And thank you for walking me home."

He nodded and smiled at me

"Don't be sorry, I told you it's fine. Tell shittykawa to try harder and become a real good boyfriend to you. He has been treating you really bad these days. You gotta punch the shit out of him. No wait ... nevermind I'll do it for you tomorrow"

I laughed at him

"You better do it really hard" I said while laughing

"Alright, go inside now Y/N. I'll be heading home now."

[FF] OIKAWA TOORU: EVANESCENTWhere stories live. Discover now