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Love is all it takes. This is a common stereotype for people who are in love. Well, I do agree that love sure has a huge part in a relationship. But, love alone wouldn't make a person stay nor make a relationship long lasting.

When you love it doesn't stop there. Love is only the beginning of everything. You see, love comes with all things-it comes with responsibility, patience, passion, commitment and most importantly, it comes with forgiveness.

"My love, are you ready to go?"

"Yes! I'll be down in a minute. I'm just putting my shoes on!"

Y/N replied while wearing her shoes and went downstairs afterwards.

Oikawa looked at the stairs direction and immediately smiled at the woman who is going down the stairs.

"You look absolutely perfect"

Oikawa said. His eyes are full of love and adorement.

Y/N gave him a smile as a reply and Oikawa offered his hands to his lover.

"Ready?" Oikawa asked while looking at Y/N.

Y/N nodded and replied "Yup, I'm all ready. C'mon, I'm craving for some cakes"

They left their house and went to their car.

[At a Café]

"Love, stay here. I'll order for us"

Y/N nodded and Oikawa went to the cashier to order their food and drinks.

Oikawa looked at Y/N's direction and smiled lovingly. He caress the box inside his pocket and his smile is still carved in his face.

It's been years since we've got back together. We've been busy with our careers and our relationship got better day by day. Maybe we were really too young back then. Too immature I must say.

What we had back then was "right person, wrong timing" we were always meant to be together, but we were still not fully ready for it. Maybe that's why we were given the chance to grow first.

Oikawa went back to their seat with the food and drinks he ordered for them.

Oikawa settled their foods in the table and sat infront of Y/N.

Y/N looked at him and smiled. "Thanks, Tooru"

"Eat lots my love"

They started eating while talking about different things.

"Right, don't you have any practices this week? You haven't been leaving the house" Oikawa asked.

"Hmmm, actually I haven't feeling really well or should I say that my body doesn't feel right. So, I talked about it with our coach and luckily he said that I don't really have to worry about any practices because we are scheduled to have our rest time for this week." Y/N replied.

Oikawa looked at her with a worried face.

"I knew something wasn't right with you this past few days. Whenever I ask you about it you would always say that it's because of exhaustion. Are you sure you are okay? maybe we should go to the hospital this week, just to make sure that you are alright"

Y/N nodded in agreement. Her lover was right that's why she didn't dare say no. She's an athlete and her body should always be in good condition.

"Oh, what about you? don't you any upcoming plays? You have been keeping me company, I didn't even notice until now-that you are also not leaving the house."

[FF] OIKAWA TOORU: EVANESCENTWhere stories live. Discover now