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He was in the floor. Hugging my clothes. I went to him and gently stroke his hair.

"Hey, wake up Tooru. Go to bed. Why are you sleeping in the floor?"

His eyes opened slowly and he bursted into tears when he saw me.

"Y/N-chan? my love is that you?" He said touching my face.

I smiled and held his hand that was in my face.

"Yes, it's me. What happened? why are you crying so much?"

He hugged me tightly and I can feel his warm tears in my shoulders.

"I was so worried about you. Why didn't you come home last night? I kept calling you, but you didn't answer. I thought - I thought something bad had happened to you" he said while sobbing

I stroked his back trying to calm him down.

"Shhh, I'm alright my phone died, and I didn't have any charger with me. My brother went and picked me up. That's why I didn't came home last night. I'm sorry I made you worried"

I lied It won't be good If I tell him what happened to me. He has a lot of stuffs in his mind I don't want to worry him.

After a few minutes, I was able to calm him down and make him fall asleep. It's a good thing that we don't have any classes today.

[After a week]

Our relationship became better after the incident. He would always check on me, and he's avoiding his fangirls now.

I feel happy that the relationship we had before is slowly going back.

"Hey babe, I'm going to practice late. Do you want to stay with me, or should I take you home first?" I looked at his side and smile

"Hmm I don't have anything to do so I can stay and watch"

He smiled playfully and gave me a peck kiss.

[After practice]

As we walked to our house, I saw Oikawa looked so deep in his thoughts.

"Are you nervous?"

"What? no, I'm not. I'm kinda excited that I'll be able to face them again especially Tobio-chan and chibi-chan" he said with a smirk

"Well, you better win!"

"Oh, I always win"

We went inside our house and walked straight to our bedroom.

[The next day: The match between Aoba Johsai and Karasuno]

I walked with the players and as we walk two players came to us.

"Ah, Y/N-san? is that you?" the other boy asked, and I looked at them with curiosity.

"Yeah, do I perhaps know you?"

"Oh my! we were a big fan of yours! back when you were still playing, we would always watch your game"

I was stunned and my smile grew bigger

"Really? I mean wow thank you for the support. That was years ago how can you guys still remember?"

"We just like how you played, you looked really awesome!"

"Oh, we have to go, it was nice meeting you Y/N-san. I hope we can see you play again"

I smiled at them and waved them goodbye.

[FF] OIKAWA TOORU: EVANESCENTWhere stories live. Discover now