𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝚅

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Your heartbeat pulses steadily in your ears, the only sound you can hear is your heavy breathing.




The phantom feeling of blood on your palms is back, and your mothers face blares in your mind. You wonder if this is the path she would have wanted for you, if she would be proud of you.




Everything you promised to her, all the hope she had for you as her last dying wishes comes to this very moment. You have the book, now you just have to get out of here in one piece.

You're suddenly brought back to reality as the grating scrape of the massive metals doors opening rings out in your ears. Noa and Soona toss their torches aside as sunlight streams in onto all of you, no one seeming to breath as you anxiously await what's on the other side.

The lone figure of an ape stands between the opening of the doors, before all of your eyes adjust and you see an older ape looking at the three of you, her expression kind and curious.

Then Proximus shoves her aside as he glares at the four of you, his sharp eyes studying you fiercely. The apes screech as he charges on all fours, but he doesn't attack any of you, instead running past and holding his arms out as he looks around the vault.

"You are, a very useful ape, indeed, Noa." He calls out excitedly. "Useful yes, but you failed to see, the most important thing. Humans, cannot be trusted!" He yells in Noa's face as he points at you angrily,  and you feel yourself instinctively shrink under his fierce gaze.

"Tell me," He continues. "what did y/n have planned for me, in my own vault?!" Noa breathes heavily as he glances at you, and you look back at him with worried eyes. There's too many apes blocking the exit, and you somehow feel like if Noa got hurt it would be your fault.

"Fine, then i'll make you choose, between a stinking human, and your dear Soona." He gestures to another ape who grabs Soona, holding a knife to her neck as she lets out hoots and whimpers. Noa and Anaya both snarl as more apes hold them back, even you tense up.

"Who will it be, Noa? Who will you put your loyalty in?" Proximus yells, your heart races as you try and think of what to do, how to get out of this. Noa and Anaya still struggle against the other apes as they try to get to Soona. Poor Soona, guilt washes over you once more as another one of your friends is facing death because of you.

"Fine, i'll decide myself." Proximus says sinisterly and makes another gesture, the ape holding Soona about to plunge the knife into her neck when you reach behind you and grab the handgun you had stuffed into your waistband. Taking aim, you pull the trigger, shooting the ape holding Soona.

The gunshot tears through the air, all of the apes screeching and howling as Noa claws at his ears, trying to stop the ringing in his skull. Things calm down some, and everyone looks to the ape, who brings his fingers to his chest, inspecting the blood flowing from him before collapsing to the ground.

Soona runs to Noa and Anaya, who cradles her head comfortingly. Everyone looks to you, Proximus now hiding behind the three apes he knows you won't shoot.

"You can go, y/n." He speaks as he cowardly uses your friends as shields. "But first tell me, are there more of those," He points to the gun in your hands. "in there?" He points deeper inside the vault.

You breathe heavily as you clutch the gun in your hands, the cold metal feeling foreign and harsh against your skin. You lock eyes with Noa, who looks at you pleadingly. You know you can't just leave them, but you also don't know what to do.

Movement out of the corner of your eye turns your head, and your heart drops as you see a curious ape inspecting the wires to the explosive. "No, wait-!" You're cut off by the loud boom that shakes the ground, all of the apes silent until a terrible gushing noise sounds from the bridge.

Water starts bursting through the pipes, rapidly consuming the open area. "Climb!" You hear Noa yell and knowing you won't be able to make it in time you have no choice but to run deeper into the vault, following behind Noa.

The water sweeps you off your feet and you clutch onto a pole next to Noa who did the same thing. "Noa! y/n!" Both of your heads turn at the voice of Soona calling you, she points at something in the water and you both scramble up just in time for a large sheet of metal to crash into where you just were.

Noa pulls you up onto the platform when another voice calls out. "Son!" An ape floating down the stream of water calls for Noa as he calls back to her. You both follow her when he dips down and grabs her arm, pulling her up and you keep running, sliding around a staircase from the water when Noa catches you against his chest, pushing you up to your feet.

"Eagle clan!" Noa yells to the apes. "Climb! Follow Soona! Follow Anaya!" At his command the apes begin their ascent up the walls of the vault. "Get on." He instructs you and you waste no time in mounting his back as he leaps up railings and poles swiftly carrying you higher through the vault as all the apes try to outrun the water rapidly pouring in.

Finally reaching the furthest point in the vault, Anaya and Noa and you stay back to make sure everyone makes it up the large cylinder leading to the top. "Come on! Go, everyone, go!" Apes rush past you, panicked hoots and heavy panting coming from each of them.

"Noa!" Anaya calls out, worried for his friend staying behind to help the last of the apes. "Go! We'll catch up to you!" Noa calls and helps the last ape up who slipped on the watery floors. "That should be everyone..." You pant out, turning to him when you suddenly see through the spraying water the large silhouette of the gorilla.

word count: 1074

eyes of the forest - a kingdom of the planet of the apes storyWhere stories live. Discover now