𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚇𝚅𝙸𝙸

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The apes made their descent down the cliff side, Anaya offering to carry you this time since Noa was looking worse for wear. The feel of the grass against the soles of your feet brings a wave of relief over you, grateful to be in the forest once again.

Other apes found some horses tied up outside the area of the flood, and led them over through the crowd. "Well, i guess this is goodbye." You say sadly to Noa as you take the reins of a horse. Noa just nods with a far off look in his eyes. "Yes, i guess it is."

You sigh before reaching into your bag and pulling out the book. "I wanted to give you this." You say, holding it out to him, while Noa just looks at you confused. "After everything we did, to get it? Why?" He asks, hesitant to take it from you. "I didn't think Proximus should have had it, but i also don't think humans should either."

Seeing the unconvinced look on his face you continue. "Before my mother died she told me to make sure this fell into the right hands, i think that's you." Noa hesitantly reaches up and takes the small red piece of metal from you, his fingertips brushing your knuckles lightly.

"Goodbye, Noa." You give Soona and Anaya a sad smile and sign 'thank you' to them before tugging the reins of your horse and beginning to walk off. Noa looks at you with a frown, for some reason you leaving made him feel worse than he thought it would.

A gentle touch on his shoulder brings his attention to his mother, who looks at him with her loving eyes. She nods at your figure walking away, a silent communication happening between the two apes. Noa glances at his friends as if to get their permission, and sees nothing but support.

"y/n!" Noa calls after you, making you stop and turn around as you two walk up to each other once more. "Come back, with us." He blurts out before he had time to contemplate his words. You blink at him, surprised by the ape and you look around at the apes behind him, wondering if they know what he's asking of you.

"T-to the colony?" Noa nods at your question. "Are you sure? i mean, don't most apes despise humans?" You ask hesitantly and Noa sighs. "Please?" He mumbles out, eyes cast downward in embarrassment. "Just until you are healed, at least." You consider his offer, your hand absentmindedly going to your bruised ribs.



Noa had instructed that the injured and elderly be on horses, while the rest walked, and after Soona and Anaya convinced him that he counted as injured, he finally gave in and accepted a horse. They made you ride one too, even after you tried to insist you were fine and the horse should go to someone who needed it, but Soona practically tossed you onto the saddle herself, and you decided not to argue further.

Looking up at the bright sky, admiring the clouds you breathe in a breath of fresh air, your ribs throbbing as your lungs expand, but you try to ignore it. Noa rides beside you on his own horse, casting glances your way every now and then. Some apes that walked looked at you curiously, but most ignored you, either too relieved that they had just been released from that prison or too tired to care about your presence.


Your thighs began to ache from being on horseback nonstop, but you reached the ape colony surprisingly quickly, only needing to stop to rest for one night and arriving there in the morning.

The burnt structures of the ape towers come into view and Anaya helps you off your horse, being mindful of your bruised ribs. You nod at him in thanks and he gives you that goofy signature smile that you've grown fond of. Patting the horses neck you lead it to some wooden racks where apes have started tying the other horses.

You look around, some apes going to rest but most of them starting to clear away the charred wood logs and soot. You walk out to some apes lifting large branches and logs off a burnt down tent and begin to help them. They give you a weird look at first but eventually accept your help.


Noa watches with concerned eyes as you lift log after log, doing your best to make yourself useful to the apes. Every now and then he sees you wince and hold your side as you lift something that's too heavy. Finally he has enough and walks over to you.

You give him a small smile as your hands continue to work, brushing away the ash from the remains. Noa reaches out and gently grasps one of your wrists before leading you away. "What are you doing?" You ask, a bit surprised. "Taking you to, Elder Luna. She is our healer." He grunts out as he practically drags you away.

"Oh, no i'm okay." You begin to protest, but Noa carries on like he doesn't even hear you. He finally leads you through a hanging animal skin, the apes had found some spare blankets and saddles in a small hut that managed to not get burnt to a crisp, and were now using them as curtains for apes to have privacy and rest while being tended to.

Noa leads you to an ape that is currently picking up some soot covered bowls and bottles, organizing them neatly in a small bag. Noa inclines his head respectfully to her, and she eyes him before her gaze lands on your interlocked hands. Feeling a rush of embarrassment you pull your hand away from his and also avert your eyes out of respect.

"She is, hurt." Noa says to her, the old ape walking up to you and studying you intensely. She nods to Noa and shoos him off with a wave of her hand, bringing you behind a curtain for some privacy and sitting you down on a soft pelt.

'Where hurt?' She signs to you and you lift your shirt, your eyes widening at the splotches of red and purple spiderwebbing across your ribcage. The ape pokes at it, making you wince and she looks up at you with soft eyes. 'Stay here. I get herbs for that.' She signs and before you can stop her she's already walking out of the curtain.

The animal skin flap sways again as Noa walks into the small room, looking you over and out the door where the Elder just walked off to. "Where is she going?" He asks, eyeing you carefully. "To get some herbs, maybe for pain i'm guessing." Noa scrunches his face in thought, sitting down on his hind legs to match your height on the animal pelt.

"Where are you, in pain?" He asks worriedly. You glance at him, and pushing your embarrassment to the side you lift your shirt to show your bruised ribs. His eyes widen and his lips part as he studies the injury. "Proximus, did that?" He asks before furrowing his brow and looking down, sighing heavily. "You should not have, interfered." He mumbles, his eyes on the ground.

"He was going to kill you." You grunt out, looking at him intently as he meets your gaze again. "And he almost killed you." He says guiltily, reaching his hand up and running his fingertips along the bruises on your neck with a feather light touch.

Whatever words you were going to say get lost in your throat as his forest green eyes captivate you, pulling you in and pacifying whatever inner turmoil you might have.

The sound of the curtain opening again brings both of you out of your thoughts, Noa's hand pulling away quickly and he stands up as the Elder walks into the room with a handful of herbs. Noa nods respectfully to her in greeting and gives you one last glance as he walks out. The Elder gives you a knowing look and smirks to herself as she dumps some roots into a bowl and begins to grind them with a rock.

word count: 1377

eyes of the forest - a kingdom of the planet of the apes storyWhere stories live. Discover now