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warning: contains smut

Your body jolts awake and sweat drips down your neck and chest. You heave with each breathe in, your lungs stinging from the cold night air. The nightmares have lessened, but haven't stopped completely. You sigh and run a hand down your face in exhaustion.

"y/n..." Noa grunts from beside you and reaches out to stroke his hand along your back. He's taken to sleeping in your bed ever since you two kissed in the cave, and it's helped you both with the nightmares.

"I'm okay." You whisper to him and lay down and he pulls you into his firm chest. You breathe in his comforting scent and run your fingers through his soft fur. He smells like sandalwood and moss, and a field of grass after it rains. Just his smell alone is enough to make your head spin.

"You're safe here, with me. He cannot get you here." He whispers out, his breath fanning over your ear. "I know, i'm sorry." You apologize, feeling bad for waking him. "Do not, be sorry. I still get them too." He admits and hugs you tighter.


Sunlight shines through the gaps in your tent and you know the rest of the colony will be rising soon. It's been a couple weeks since you and Noa first kissed, and although you never made it official out loud, the two of you silently agreed that you're mates. It's not like either of you would want someone else anyway.

You roll over and stretch out lazily, draping your arm and leg over his broad body. "We should get up." You groan out as Noa brings his hand up to draw small circles on your bare arm. "No." He says firmly, making you laugh. "Stay here, with me. Forever." He hugs your waist and pulls you onto him and you let out soft giggles as you lay on his chest.

"Forever?" You question. "I don't think Soona or Anaya would like that. They would miss their friend." You try to reason with the ape while he brings your fingertips to his lips and places soft kisses on them. "They are too busy kissing." He trails kisses up your arm. "We are too busy kissing."

You smile as he pulls you down to meet him, his lips pressing against yours gently. He cradles the back of your head with one hand while the other slides down your waist and stops at your hip dips, squeezing the flesh softly. You let out an involuntary sigh that almost sounds like a whimper, and Noa lets out his own groan of approval at your noises.

You gasp as he suddenly flips you over onto the bed, and uses his arms to support his weight overtop of you. "Noa..." You breathe out as he plants kisses down your neck. The ministrations from his lips change from feather light to soft nipping and sucking at your skin.

"D-don't leave a mark!" You fuss at him. "Why not?" He asks bluntly, only stopping for a second before going back to nibbling on your sensitive skin. Your words get caught in your throat as he finds a particularly pleasurable spot and you let out a series of heavy sighs.

Noa observes this, and lathers that spot in attention. He brings his canines down into your skin, just hard to enough to leave a bruise before sucking softly and pulling back to lick at the mark.

"Noa, y/n! Are you guys up?" Anaya calls from the outside of the tent. He once walked in on the two of you in the middle of a steamy make out session and learned his lesson to make himself known before barging in.

Noa growls in frustration, the vibrations tickling your skin with his mouth still on your neck. "Yes, we will be out." He calls out, and the two of you see the shadows of your friends retreat from outside the doorway.

You look up at Noa, and he swears his heart stops. The sight of you laying under him, eyes half closed and chest breathing heavily, with your hair sprawled on the blanket behind you. It's enough to make him want to melt into you and never let go. And enough for his body to heat up as his thoughts turn more...explicit.

eyes of the forest - a kingdom of the planet of the apes storyWhere stories live. Discover now