- Seventh -

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When Jungkook opened his eyes again, the room was bathed in light, and it only took him a quick glance at his phone to realise that it was past ten. And that he had a score of missed calls from his mother, but that was another problem. He put his mobile back on the bedside table and turned round in bed, his sleepy eyes resting on Taehyung's bare back. The man was fast asleep, probably because he hadn't really had time to rest since his return from the army. He had a lot of sleep to catch up on.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile. He'd missed it. Waking up like this, next to the man he loved, no alarms, no stress, the sunlight tickling their nostrils, just them, away from their families and problems. It was so simple, but it was huge for Jungkook: these moments represented the future he wanted to achieve. He just wanted to live with Taehyung, go to work during the day, meet up in the evening and watch a film on the TV, go out the weekend and go on holiday. Without his mother nagging him about his social behaviour, and his father pestering him to take over the business after him.

He turned his attention back to Taehyung, who had turned towards him, still asleep. Jungkook studied his face with interest. He looked so serene when he was asleep. When he was awake, his piercing gaze and dominant aura made him intimidating; when he was asleep, he looked like a big teddy bear. And only Jungkook knew that. It made him even happier to know that he was special in Taehyung's eyes. That he was the only one who knew him completely.

He knew that if he stayed with him any longer, he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off him and he'd end up waking him up. But Jungkook knew that the man needed to rest, so he discreetly left the bed, grabbed some clean, comfortable clothes from the wardrobe, put them on and left the room, all as quietly as possible.

He quickly made his way to the kitchen, which wasn't huge but well laid out. To be honest, the house wasn't very impressive. Jungkook could still remember when Taehyung had bought it; at a family dinner, his mother had remarked: "Why did he buy such a small house? I don't understand, with all the money he's got... Nobody's going to take him seriously if he starts living simply! If I were him, I'd have bought a palace". Jungkook couldn't help rolling his eyes that day. Surely his mother could never understand the importance of a warm home in her big, cold house where everyone hated each other. A big house was handy when nobody wanted to bump into each other. It avoided conflict for sure.

"Well, I suppose I'll have to order something, I doubt he's had time to fill the cupboards..." muttered the teenager.

He approached the cupboards anyway, and was surprised to find the first one full of food when he opened it. The boy's cheeks tinted as a small smile formed on his lips. Taehyung hated cooking, he nearly set the place on fire every time he tried to cook. Whenever he was hungry, he preferred to order. So if he'd taken the trouble to stock the cupboards as soon as he got back from the army, it was obviously for Jungkook. He knew he'd be delighted to find all this food.

He quickly made his way to another cupboard, right next to the sink, and his smile widened when he saw that he'd even remembered to buy his favourite brand of chocolate, as well as a few tins of tea. Taehyung really knew him by heart.

He hurried off to start preparing breakfast, toasting a few slices of toast while he heated his milk and added the cocoa powder. As he concentrated on the task, he felt two arms wrap around his waist and a chin rest on his shoulder.

"You should have woken me up, sweetheart, we could have prepared everything together..." Taehyung muttered in a hoarse, sleepy voice that made Jungkook shiver.

"You needed to rest, Hyungie..."

Taehyung kissed his cheek briefly.

"I can't sleep without you..."

"You had to do it for a year and a half, Hyungie. Stop lying."

"Who says I've been able to sleep?"

Jungkook turned round and slapped him on the chest, which made the man laugh. Jungkook then went back to his work, Taehyung kissing him one last time before he went his separate ways to make himself a cup of coffee. He didn't really like it, but it was the only drink strong enough to wake him up. As the black liquid poured into the cup, he turned to Jungkook, who had sat down at the table with a steaming cup of chocolate and some toasts of Nutella.

"I saw your phone. Your mother hasn't stopped calling you." he began.

Jungkook let out a long sigh as the man picked up his cup of coffee, then came and sat down opposite him.

"I saw."

"You're not going to call her back?"

"You know I'm not. For our own peace of mind, it's better if she doesn't know where I am at the moment. Besides, you know she's not really worried about what might have happened to me."

Taehyung couldn't disagree. He suspected that Jeon Hyeri must be furious right now, but not because he'd suddenly disappeared somewhere, but because he'd suddenly disappeared somewhere during the most important ceremony of her life. There was a difference. The woman must have experienced one of the biggest embarrassments of her life last night, so now her anger must be unmanageable. And Taehyung was the main culprit.

"I've got a feeling she's going to get on my nerves tonight when I get home... Jongsu must be so impatient..."

He could imagine the scene: his mother screaming in the house, his father trying to calm her down, and Jongsu looking falsely worried, while a satisfied smile couldn't help but form on his lips. She'd probably been pestering Jin with calls too, and he'd either been trying to distract her or had to block her for the day (something he often did when his mother got hysterical).

Taehyung swallowed his coffee in one gulp, already feeling his senses gradually awakening.

"Don't worry about them right now, love. Namjoon invited us to a barbecue, remember?"

Jungkook's previously morose expression suddenly lit up at the memory of the barbecue.

"That's right! It's going to be great! Bangtan all together finally, I've missed it so much..."

Taehyung smiled at the boy's enthusiasm. He was always touched by Jungkook's love for Bangtan. At the same time, they were his pillars. Ever since he was a child, the members of Bangtan had always protected him, like big brothers to the youngest among them. Even Jimin, with whom they often teased each other, had always feverishly defended Jungkook. No wonder the teenager adored them.

"What time do we have to be there?" Jungkook asked, his mouth half full.

Taehyung held back a laugh when he saw the Nutella he'd accidentally smeared on his cheek, and grabbed a towel to clean it up a bit.

"About 12 am. So take your time, we're in no hurry. We'll take the car."


This was what Taehyung preferred. Waking up with Jungkook, having breakfast with him, like an ordinary couple. He was really looking forward to this becoming his daily routine, for the rest of his life.


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