Chapter 20 (Magnolia): Touch And Go

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Copyright © 2024 by GroveltoHEA

I'm not sure why the realization that Magnus's heart had been healed while mine had been broken was so enraging, but it set me off and poor Rosemary, on the other side of our Facetime call, had to bear the brunt of it.

"So his heart healed and what? That automatically makes him less of a cheating, scum-sucking dickhead fucking asshole? Like I have to forgive him for what he did because his heart healed? Oh, his heart's healed! Let's wipe the slate clean! His cheating on Magnolia doesn't matter! He broke my heart, and I just have to be good with that? Do they honestly think it's that easy? He breaks me, he gets healed and we're instantly, magically all good?! What kind of fairy bullshit balance is that?"

Rosemary waited a beat after I wound down.

"Such anger and assumptions before you've even allowed me to explain," Rosemary chided me. "Let me know when you're done raging, and then I'll lay it out for you."

Raising her eyebrows at me, she gave me a mocking look.

"Fine. I'm done," I said, not quite pouting but pretty damn close.

"Good. Now listen. His heart may have been healed, Magnolia, but that doesn't mean that it made him change. All it means is his heart was healed from whatever had wounded it. The next steps were up to him. He could change his ways or he could continue on in the same way he had been. That was his choice."


"Normally, if he's decided to pursue you, he's truly changed. Just remember that if he changed, that was because he decided to, not because he was forced to by his heart healing."

"So, since he changed, I'm expected to --"

"Witch! Would you listen, please? He's changed. However...that does not negate what he did to you. In any way. Nor does it mean you have to care that he's changed. You don't."

"I'm under no obligation to him then? They won't, I don't know, magically make my heart turn toward him since he was the love that was strong enough to break my heart?"

"No, Magnolia. They won't do that. The fae won't force you to love someone. That's a you decision. You don't even have to let him get close enough to see what he's like post heart healing."

"But you think I should? Is that what you're saying?"

Her eyes squeezed  shut as if the were trying to cast a spell for patience.  "Magnolia, hear me clearly when I say this: I hope you have to train a witch exactly like you someday because I will enjoy every damn minute of it. Every damn minute of you wanting to beat your head against the wall because your witch trainee is so damn stubborn! And obstinate! And quick to jump to conclusions! And unwilling to stop talking and just listen!"

I lifted up my nose. "I'll take that as a definitive no to my question, then."

"I don't think you should do anything but follow your heart, witch."

"Interesting you say I should follow my heart and not my mind."

"Because in matters of the heart, you follow your heart," she snapped. "If your heart tells you no, then you don't. If your heart tells you yes, then you do. Only you will have the answer within you, and I guarantee you will have it within you. You'll know what to do, you'll know when to do it, and you will feel comfortable with whatever you decide."

"Did you? With Boone?"

"Of course."

"Did you feel stupid taking back a man who cheated on you?"

WORK IN PROGRESS: Three Witches #1: Magnus and MagnoliaWhere stories live. Discover now