Vampire's Heart

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the image on top belongs to the Twitter account,☁天堂鬆餅🥞@Rong_doodle this is the artist

Vampire Alastor and human Lucifer, au, so hey I hope you guys like it more than when I first wrote it.

Once upon a time, there lived a vampire named Alastor in a big mansion in the forest. He had lived there for centuries, near a town that was always foggy with rain. If it was no longer foggy but sunny, he would bring his umbrella. Most people who heard about him would be scared of him or think he must be very lonely. However, he enjoyed alone time, as he only needed his servants, Nifty and Husk, who were also vampires. He avoided relationships, as he believed that they made humans weak and that no person could make his cold heartbeat, mostly because he believed that humans are an annoying species. Alastor would go into town only for food or supplies, and that would be it.

Lucifer had just moved to a location close to the woods, near Alastor's mansion, although he didn't realize it at the time. He moved away following a fight with Lilith. Although they tried to make their relationship work after their daughter, Charlie, was born, Lilith couldn't handle it and left a few months after Charlie's birth. Lucifer would call her every few days, but it always ended in a fight. He decided to start fresh after saving enough money and with the help of his brother who lived in town and his friend Camila, it made sense for him to move here.

Lucifer was unpacking the last few boxes in the new house while Charlie was playing with Kiki, the black kitty. Charlie followed Kiki as it ran deeper into the woods, with Charlie chasing after it. When Charlie looked around, he saw Kiki in a tree. She smiled and began climbing after it. Alastor was hunting in the woods after eating his feast from a deer. He heard a noise and looked around using his eyes only to see a little girl climbing the tree, about to fall. He ran and caught her as she fell to the ground, and saw that she was covered in leaves.

Alastor: "Child, what are you doing"

He then heard a meow coming from the tree he looked up to see a black cat up on the tree, he quickly grabbed the cat from the tree placing it down though he thought of eating it that would make her cry he did not want to deal with a crying child, Charlie smiled thanking Alastor as Alastor was about to leave he saw Charlie holding his coat.

Alastor: "Little girl can please let off of my coat"

Charlie released go of his coat but peered at him with wonder: "Are you my papa"

Alastor: "No, I am not, Where is your mother"

Charlie: "Mama is busy putting away boxes, can I stay with you, papa"

Alastor: "No, you should return to your mother"

He walked away from the child only for her to follow him and every time he turned around only for her to hide behind a bush or a tree hoping he wouldn't see her, to the point when he made it to his mansion she was still behind him, he sighed and went over to nifty to take care of her while he read his book, she nodded and grabbed her placed her in a chair and left to grab her cookies and tea. 

Lucifer had just finished unpacking only to his daughter gone, he ran inside looking everywhere in the house and outside to see she wasn't there he ran into the woods calling her name worried sick, he kept walking only to see a mansion that was a quit close were his house was, he kept walking to see the gate open he walked in only to see his daughter eating cookies with a girl wearing an eyepatch in a maid outfit and other that had a beard wearing a butler outfit serving his daughter tea, he ran over to his daughter pulling into her hug and then letting go only to ask her if she was okay, or hurt she nodded no saying she was with papa. Lucifer was confused upon hearing this, he turned his head to the man dressed nicely, brown skin with dark brown hair and eyes staring at him, he walked over to the man. Alastor looked over to see a person walking over to him, that looked exactly like the little girl.

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