Chapter 1

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"One more time! Keep your head clearer!" Mishka swiped his 13 -year-old son's bottom with the cane as a warning. Reilic huffed but did as told. "Stop being angry. Think about peaceful thoughts," Mishka guided. "Can't really think of peaceful thought when you're holding a cane, now can I?" The boy mumbled. "Focus!" Mishka snapped. Reilic took few deep breathed and stood still. He closed his eyes as he thought about his mother. How nice she was, how she smelt like and how she smiled. Some may think that the memories of his late mother were sad memories, but it worked different on him. Those memories were what always kept himself together. How he kept himself calm, from shifting and attacking anybody.

Beautiful Saa'ala died when Reilic was only 7 years old. She was attacked by a wolf when collecting herbs. That was when Reilic shifted and killed the wolf. Since then, the words of him being a shifter spreaded out. Most feared him but his uncle and grandfather remained loyal to him. Most people do not really mind about the shifters but when it comes to grizzly bear shifters, it was another whole lot story. Grizzly bear shifters mostly secluded themselves from other people. They tend to depend more on their animal instinct. But not Reilic, Mishka decided.

He did not want his son to be feared, shunned. He will not allow it. So since then, he had been training his son to control his animal side, his anger. He tends to shift when he's angry. As a cub, it was cute. But as a teenager? Not so much.

Year have passed and Reilic had a place in the hearts of the villagers. Due to him being a shifter, he managed to catch more kills than the others, so the others ate well. No one was ever hungry. The village was also safe from threat as words go out when Reilic alone protect the village from other clans. He was nice to the villagers but not to strangers and those who came across him. Those who threatened him, or even made him mad, he'd kill without hesitation.

No one was really taking advantage of his strength, but less people died when Reilic helped.At 16, he was already one of the warriors. Everything was peaceful, until the inevitable happened. When he first met Vladimir Alexis. Vladimir was just a little bit older than him. He was charming, witty and dangerous.

At first, when they first met, they fought without even greeting each other. Both had a sense that the other was a threat. Both were a match. They acknowledged each other and made friends. Reilic became more interested when he learned that Vladimir was a vampire, something he never heard of. He thought there were only shifters. He had other shifter friends too but some he was not friendly with. He is good friend with one wolf shifter, Morak, from another branch of the Ashinaabe clan but the wolf clan.

Vladimir taught him a lot about the world. How he came to the soil, by big ships and with a lot of people. They didn't know but some of the soil were already invaded by the Whites, who called them salvages when they were the one who came uninvited. But, Vladimir was different. He came here alone, he ran away from home, somewhere in Europe, Reilic forgotten the name.

Vladimir even told him how those who were different from normal humans should rise above the others. They were meant to lead, not kept. Vladimir and Reilic always spar with each other, to test each others' powers and strengths. Since meeting Vladimir, Reilic had changed. He became what people most feared of. Though he was never those to his villagers. He cared for them, loved them, but he showed no mercy to outsiders. He also knew about how the 'mythical beings' have mates. He started using it to his advantages. If mates were to cross him, he'd only kill one and left the other to die of agony. He finds pleasure in seeing it. He became worst after his father died suddenly. He was out one day and then he was gone. No one could find his body or anything except scraps of bloodied clothing. Some suspected animals, some said karma but Reilic had none of that. He was everywhere, searching for him father, but he failed. He came back to the village only to pack his belongings. His father's dagger and his mother's necklace. He paid his respect towards his grandfather and his uncle and left with no words. Vladimir followed him along.

They became the worst duos ever created. They were cruel, vicious and have no mercy to others. Nobody dared to even show their faces to them. Due to their strength and the blood they've shed from others, their immortality intensified. They've stopped aging after they reached the age of 25.

One day, Mother Nature had enough of everything and answered the prayers of others. Vladimir and Reilic was punished, their lust was taken away, their claws were taken away and lastly, they will only find their real true mates after 1000 years, and only till then, will they experience life and love.

After losing their claws, it made them realized and they and some of their trusted friends began creating a council. To control those who are like them. They realized that, without a system, everyone can kill as they pleased. The council members were represented by each mythical beings, from wolf to Faes, all agreed on a system after seeing how Reilic and Vladimir was punished. their claws may have been taken away, but they still have the powers and strengths, though not driven by lust for blood. Reilic was named The Hunter when he was chosen to hunt and punish those who go against the rules. It was time for the creatures to be more civilized and be more respected in the eyes of normal humans. True, they are superior, but they have no say in governing the humans. Their owns? Now that, is something they can change.

And thus, the systematic world for the mythical beings were created. They had ranks, schools and rules for them. All were acknowledge by each other. Each clan have their own territory. Reilic took over the bear clan and Vladimir did the same with his kind. At first it went well, but overtime, the clan grew bigger. Bigger than a person can handle. They began to divide in families, all had their own territory even if small. Of course, the main family would be Reilic's. Vladimir had a lot of children. He was fine with marrying those who were not his mates, but not Reilic. He let his family members have offsprings but not him. Sure, he have sexual activities here and there, but no offspring. He feel bad, if he were to have children with those who were not his mate.

Everything was fine, till the Mohinas came. And everything came crumbling down.

Well that's that, folks! I'm sorry for not updating this story as I was more focused on my other stories. And I had to re-read my stories since I tend to forget some details. So the chapter's a bit longer, I hope you like it! Tell me your thoughts! I'd really appreciate them thank you!

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