Chapter 2

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Plans changed. The story's not really gonna be about the past. Something just came to my brain. It'll be boring if Mohinas is kept mentioned. I promised new thing and I'll give new.

The present.

"So that's how you met Papa and created the Council?" Adrian asked Rai. "Yes, we were stupid teenagers," he chuckled. "Oh gosh, don't ever remind me again how old you are," the young man shivered. "Oh, come now, it's been 3 years now, the fact haven't sink in yet? Thought that boat have sailed already?" Rai laughed as he adoringly put his hand on his mate's thigh and squeezed it gently.

Things had been blissful for the past 3 years. It went so smooth that  it's almost scary. Their lives used to be so hectic. There were no time to settle down and enjoy life. Adrian finished his high school, now he's studying psychology to know those better like him, and trying to get marco and Andy back. He missed his other selves. They were there for him since he was just a little wee baby.  He refused to let their memories dissapear and named Kayden's middle name Marco. And he already planned to have another child even before meeting Rai. He planned on adopting abandoned mythical children. In fact, the couple did. On the way to class, Adrian  found a terrified black baby panther. It was hissing and growling when he approached it. He always have extra foods around him since he loves to munch when he's in class.

The baby soon gave in at the sight of food. Adrian made sure to look around to search for the parents. He even went to the ranger and the police station to report for missing child. No one claimed after a week and Adrian decided to keep the cub. He was cute. He named him Milo. The baby was attached to him and refused to get close with anybody. But he did loosen up towards Kayden, though it took a month for him to get used to Rai.

Klaus gave the boy a check up and found out that he was probably around a month when he was abandoned. The baby took a year to finally transformed into a human baby, except its tail and ears. He was a handsome baby, jet black hair with bright purple eyes, not possible but Klaus said it was magic, now already almost 2 years old.

"Daddyyyy," milo toddled towards the couple in the kitchen. He had bright smile on his face. Adrian picked him up and sat him on the table. "What?" Adrian asked. "Hungwyyyyy!" The boy squealed in delight. Rai chuckled at the sight and lifted him up and began preparing foods. He took out the raw meat out of the fridge and blend some. It looks disgusting but that's what their children eat. He put Milo on the high chair and fed him the blended meat.

"Where's Kayden?" Adrian asked. "Up," Milo answered with his mouth full and spilled some. "Doing what?" Adrian asked, since Kayden barely left his brother anywhere alone. His little son lifted his shoulders to say that he did not know. Weird.

Adrian quickly went up to check on Kayden. Just outside the door, he heard kayden's little voice talking to someone. "Everything's okay, mommy. Don't worry. Daddy's with Rai," he can hear the fondness from the small boy. But mommy?

Adrian quickly opened the door and there he saw, someone he thought he would never see again. May not be solid, but he's there, smiling at Adrian fondly. That smile that he never thought he'd see again. That soft hair he used to touch, that eyes he used to stare at and those voice he dearly remembered. His face felt wet. He did not realized it came flowing out of his eyes until he wiped his face. "Don't be like that, sourwolf," Jay smiled. "Wh-what are you doing here? H-how?" Adrian asked between hiccups. He was almost hyperventilating.

"Daddy?" Kayden was hugging his legs now. "Turns out, our child, he summoned me," jay smiled, tracing his ghostly fingers on Kayden's hair. "S-summon you? Are you saying Kay's a necromancer?" Adrian asked in disbelieve. Necromancy is no joke. Some people kill and practice black magic just to be a necromancer.  Born necromancer? People are afraid and threatened by them since they are more powerful. How they use their power depends in their personality.

"Yeah. Our little Kayden. I don't even know why you names him Kayden," Jay said with a soft smile on his face. "When I died, I didn't expect I'd ever see my kid grow up. And you," he  gave his famous grin. Kayden snuggled deeper against Adrian's legs, holding in his sobs.

"Look at you, ," jay chuckled. "Rai seems good. I hope he is. Way to go in scoring an ancient," his voice cracked. "Ok, lets stop all this reunion thing. Something weird is happening at the other side. The afterlife I mean. This, this shouldn't happen. Even if our son is a powerful necromancer, he won't be able to summon me without any of my possession. And I can't possibly do this," Jay put his hand on Adrian's cheek. He can feel warmth. He can feel solid fingers. May not be really solid but it's there.

"Do you understand? Somebody is fucking things up. Somebody is playing against the Mother Nature," jay said seriously.

"Who?" Rai came in with Milo in his arm.

"Ah, the infamous 1000 year old Rai. How does it feel to be mated to someone so young," Jay joked. "It's not the time Jay," Adrian warned. "I don't know but it's a force to be reckon with. I'm not playing. I've seen stuffs happening at the other side and it's not normal. And no it's not the Mohinas. The afterlife doesn't even accept them. You have to be careful. I'm serious Adrian. Something bad is happening. And I have to go. I can't stay long. But this situation allows me to go back and forth between the afterlife and this life. If there's any news I'll look for you, baby," Jay said as he glazed his hand against Adrian's cheek. Adrian unconsciously leaned into the ghostly  touch. Rai just stared at the once couple, separated by death. It's not nice, but Rai frowned at the loving sight before him. He held Milo tighter.

"See you later, jay," Adrian said dazedly.

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