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Friday 17th, 2012

Makoto's POV

I walked down the hall with my phone in my hands. I've been talking to Kurro for the past 2 days and it's been the best 2 days of my life. I never met a guy like Kurro before, he's funny, smart, and overall respectful which is the real thing that attracted him to me when we first started talking. I will admit that I was skeptical at first with giving him my number because by first appearances, he seemed like the type of guy to be a womanizer. I've had my fair share of those types of guys coming into my life and breaking my self-esteem down into nothing, but I'm glad I gave it a final chance with him.

"Sero-san! Wait up!" I turned around and saw Yuki and Yukiko rushing towards me "Oh, hey girls" I said holding my phone close to my chest "Hey! I'm glad we were able to find you, Yukiko had a few questions for you regarding our game the other day" Yuki said with a cheeky smile. It didn't register in my head what she was talking about at first "yeah, when I left early, I heard that you and the captain of the other team got pretty close huh~" Yukiko said. My expression dropped and I couldn't hold eye contact with them anymore, "Oh, well yeah, I wouldn't say close but we formed a friendly bond" I said "real friendly~, we're not stupid Makoto, you two were huddled up at the dinner afterwards like a newlywed couple" Yuki said poking my side teasingly "really?! I leave early one time and I miss all the fun? I'm so unlucky" Yukiko said.

"It wasn't even like that! We just got along, and I needed someone to talk to after you left" I said "so he was just there for convenience?" Yukiko asked "no! He was a really good guy, look, we're just friends alright! I don't like him like that and I bet he doesn't even see me like that either" I said. I stuffed my phone in my pocket ignoring the messages I was getting at that moment, "Oh sweetie don't say that, if what Rise and Yuki told me is true I think this guys feelings are genuine" Yukiko said "Wait they both told you?! I didn't even think you guys were paying attention!" I said looking at Yuki who gave me a guilty smile. "You guys made it so obvious! You guys are actually really cute together!" she said "don't joke like that" I said embarrassed "why do you always think we're joking when it comes to you and guys? You're a great girl and I bet he would love to know you more, you guys are talking right?" Yukiko asked "of course they are, she's been on her phone damn near every period" Yuki said, swiping my phone out of my pocket before I could notice "Look at all these texts! He wants you bro!". I snatched the phone from her, "Yuki! We've talked about your kleptomaniac behavior".

I looked at the phone and gasped, the two girls gathered around me quickly looking at the phone. "What is it! What did he say?!" they both asked like hungry animals "He wants... to hang out" I said, the two girls next to me gasped and let out an equalized scream from excitement nearly popping my eardrums. "Oh this is so exciting! When are you going? Where is it?" Yukiko looked so ecstatic; she has been my longest friend out of the entire group and she's always been there to support me with anything; I knew she felt bad when she missed the first interaction I've had with a guy in ages so I could tell she wants to get involved. "He wants to take me to a Museum" I said "boring! He couldn't have thought of a better place?" Yuki exclaimed "not everyone wants to go somewhere adventurous on their first date" Yukiko said "a date?! This isn't a date, it's just a friendly outing between friends" I said "oh sure, and Yukiko has all Fs in her classes. Give it a rest Makoto! Stop thinking with that mindset and just accept that this guy likes you" Yuki was always the type to never sugarcoat anything. Her and Rise both, but I already knew if Rise was here she'd give it to me harder than what Yuki is giving me.

"Do you really think so?" I asked "absolutely! Now you have to get ready. Arrange a date and come to Rise's room for the best makeover of the century" Yuki said "makeover? Do you really think that's necessary?" Yukiko asked "it's not like we're going to change her entire appearance, when was the last time you went on a date Makoto?" Yuki asked, "I'll have to think about it." I said, messing with my hair "she can't even remember! Let's give her the whole first date experience, just for fun you know". Yukiko had a somewhat worried look on her face, she turned to me "do you want to go through with this? It's your outing" she asked. I gave it a thought, this was my chance to really get in a serious relationship with a guy who I liked and who was honestly worth it, and it wouldn't be bad to have a little fun with it. "What the hell, let's do it!" I said.

Sunday 26, 2012

I looked at myself in the mirror, Rise did her magic with me. My makeup was flawless, she trimmed and curled my hair, and she was kind enough to lend me an outfit. It felt nice to be dolled up and feel pretty for once, I just hope that Kurro likes it as much as I do. "Makoto? Oh wow" Yukiko entered the bathroom and stared at me "you look so beautiful" she said fixing some of my curls "thanks, well it was all Rise, she is the beauty expert" I said "where were you? Yuki told me that you went to the store for something?" I asked "Oh right, here" she handed me a phone "it's a burner phone, I know that it's just a date and this guy does seem like the real deal but just in case...". I gave her a smile, "thank you, I really appreciate it...what do you think I should do after today" "what do you mean?" "well...I do like him, but what if he wants to hang out again? What should I do?". The anxiety filled me as I thought of all the outcomes that could possibly happen, "then you go out with him again, look, you're overthinking it, you should go have fun and enjoy yourself now that you have this opportunity. You only live once".

Yukiko always knew what to say to make me feel better, she had her fair share of dates and relationships but she never fully committed to any guy. That doesn't stop her from giving the best relationship advice though, it's always the ones who never really gone through real love who know the most about it. I gave her a tight hug, "Thanks Yuyu, also! When I get back, we're talking about that guy that gave you those orchids at the game the other day" I gave her a wink causing her to blush. "Just...go on your stupid little date!".

Kurro POV

It took everything inside me to ask Makoto out on a date, plus Yaku sending the message because I was too scared to do so myself. It was the perfect plan, I found out that she loves chemistry as much as I do so I'm taking her to a museum that's just all science. Then, I take her to this cool food stand that sells ramen and pastries! Yes, the perfect date in my opinion. I told her to meet me at the museum at 1pm, it was currently 12:30am; I was a bit on the early side but I didn't want to risk being late and giving her the wrong idea of my intentions. I was texting Kenma as the time went by, he was honestly surprised that I was able to convince this girl to go out with me. It was heartbreaking to know my best friend didn't believe I could get a girlfriend with my, and I quote, "empty head-ass". That's Kenma for you.


I recognized the voice and turned, my smile dropped when I saw her. She looked so...beautiful...but different. "Sero-san...hey, thanks for agreeing to this. You look great" I started to sweat, "thank you, you don't look too bad yourself. I didn't know we were coming to this museum" she said "uh yeah! You said you like science and stuff like that so might as well" I couldn't imagine how awkward I was being. I don't know why I turn into a complete loser when I'm around her, "I do, I've been wanting to check this place out forever, do you know they have the entire periodic table with the real elements in each slot!". She had a sudden sparks in her eyes as she spoke about chemistry, it made my heart flutter and the smile came back on my face...she was perfect.

We entered the museum and the date had officially begun. We walked around the place for a bit looking at all the info of different types of scientists, inventions, mind breaking discoveries, and the periodic table she was raving about. It was honestly the coolest thing I've ever seen and she was the coolest girl I've ever met. Her knowledge in this field made me feel included in my own hobby, the guys don't really get this type of stuff so having someone who does is a nice change. When we finished going through the museum, we went to the stand to have dinner. "I had a great time" she said "I'm glad, but can I ask, why did you get so dressed up?" I asked, her expression changed "oh, I just thought it was a nice touch, my friends helped me seem more attractive you know?" she explained. Attractive? "But you already know you don't need to put all this stuff on your face and change your hair to seem attractive right? I mean you look great with and without all of this but you don't have to try so hard to impress me, you already have".

I have to practice talking like this to her more often, she smiled at me and gave me a tight hug. I honestly wasn't expecting it but the warmth of her body caused my heart to beat rapidly "Thank you Kuroo, that means a lot" she said "yeah...anything for you". She separated herself from me, "we should go back into the gift shop and get that chemistry set...maybe we can cause something to explode" she said smirking. I was taken aback by her sudden rush for experiments, but granted, I have that same rush and what's another hole in my rug.

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