I Love You

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Makoto POV

Friday 24th, 2012

The last three days have been rough, coach has been keeping us updated on Yuki's condition. She hasn't woken up yet and it's been stressing us out, the only hope that we have is that she is in stable condition and still breathing. Yukiko is taking it the hardest and Rise is putting on a brave face for all three of us; I'm a mixture of both.

As captain, I'm supposed to reassure my team and tell them that it's going to be okay. We should still be working hard for her sake and not think of the worst but then I return to my room wanting to cry my eyes out over the stress of my best friend hooked up to hospital monitors. It's not as easy as people think it is. I've started staying in my dorm more often when I didn't have any classes or if practice was canceled. I would usually help out around the school or hang out with friends during my free time but I've been substituting that time with FaceTiming Kurro.

FaceTiming isn't anything new for us but I've been doing it a lot more often with him and he doesn't mind at all. He gets home a lot later in the day then I do as he has to travel back home. It was currently 7pm and I got the call that always brings a smile to my face. I answered and was met with a handsome boy who looked like he just got out of the shower. "Hey baby, sorry I took long, practice was more tiring than usual" he said drying off his hair with his towel. I wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying, I mean how can I when I have a 6 foot tall, muscular guy in a tank top and boxer shorts.

"You enjoying the view?" He asked "huh? Oh,sorry, I'm spacing out" I said a little embarrassed "spacing out, right~. How was school?" He asked "good" I said "was practice good?" He asked "yeah" I said. "Are the girls ok?" He asked; I didn't respond. Instead, my tears finally came out as all I could think about was Yuki, "No" I started crying uncontrollably leaving Kurro confused and frantic "baby! What's wrong!? Did I say something?" He asked, grabbing his phone "no, it's not you, Yuki's in the hospital" I said through my tears.

"Oh shit, what happened? Is she ok?" He asked "I don't know! She got injured during our most recent game. She hasn't woken up yet and it's been 3 days already" I said. "Alright, I'm gonna come pick you up, wait for me at the gates" he said "what? I can't leave campus though" I said, whipping my eyes "I'll find a way, stay close to your window. I'll see you soon" he said. Before I could say anything else, he hung up without explanation. I sat there dumbfounded, was he really going to break into my campus? I hope he doesn't get tackled by security. Kurro is a lot of things but he's no match for a jail cell.

I stayed close to my window as Kurro told me to and after a while I heard something hit my window. "No way", I went to my window and opened it to see him. "Are you insane!" I whispered "I can't believe you really broke into my campus" I said "Rapunzel~ come down and run away with me~" he said. I laughed and shook my head, "you're an idiot" I said "you love this idiot, come on, I'm taking you out" he said. I looked around and saw a few vines near my window. Was I really doing this? If I get caught I could be suspended or worse, expelled, and Kurro could get charged for trespassing. Granted, if I stay here thinking about it it might actually happen.

I got a grip and stepped out of my room, grabbing the vines. I'm very thankful for coach making us do core exercises for the past three years, it all led up to me sneaking out to be with my boyfriend. I slid down close to the ground before falling into some bushes. "I wasn't expecting you to actually do that," he said, helping me out the bushes. "I couldn't let you down after you broke the law for me" I said "that's my girl~". I looked up at him, he gave me that classic smirk he persevered just for me. "Let's go before security finds us" I led him to the back exit of the campus where I knew there weren't any officers and got in his car, driving away.

He took me to a park to walk around and get my mind off things. He held my hand firmly and we walked in silence, "that was very reckless of you Tetsuro" I said, trying to lecture him "I had to do what I needed to do for my girl" I said. I smiled, "thank you...have you ever had a friend in the hospital?" I asked "only family, never friends, what game did you guys have?" he asked "it was against Seijoh, they had this player who was so reckless. He didn't seem safe to play with and I had the worst gut feeling about him...I was right too" I said. "Huh, Interesting, how long have you known Yuki?" he asked "since junior high, you know sometimes I wonder why I was given the captain position when I can't even handle a situation like this" I said.

He stopped in his tracks and looked at me, "take that back" he said "what?" I asked "Take. That. Back. It's not true, I don't know about you but you're one of the best captains I've seen" he said. "You're only saying that cause you're dating me" I said "No it's not! I've encountered many captains who are slime balls to their teams and encourage them to cheat their way to the top. Those people act like rulers instead of leaders, when we played against your team, I could tell you were a leader and your victories show it. Baby, you're only human, you're allowed to cry and feel pain and your team will understand that" he said. I squeezed his hand, "I have to stay strong for them...who else will if I won't?" I said "you are being strong, you haven't given up on anything and you still have faith that she'll recover. Being strong is also showing empathy and being vulnerable" he said.

I felt my tears coming back; I hugged him tight and sobbed into his hoodie. I felt his arms wrap around me, "I love you Tetsuro" I said. I heard a light gasp from him and it dawned on me what I actually said. We stared at each other for a moment, "what did you say?" He asked "I...I love you, I love you Tetsuro" I said, smiling up at him. I finally said it, I was so scared to say it but it wasn't that bad in reality. I stared at him as he started crying as well, "Tetsuro! Stop, if you cry I'll cry even more!" I said, trying to whip his tears away. He let out a laugh as he cried even more, "I'm sorry, but I was waiting way too long for those words. You were killing me love" he said, giving me a kiss. "I love you even more Sero" he whispered.

Kuroo's POV

I dropped Makoto off at her campus after our late night park walk. I gave her a final kiss before she left and instead of going back home; I made a pit stop. I walked up to the house and knocked on the door waiting for them to answer. It took a while but he finally opened the door, he was obviously asleep with his PJ attire and sleepy expression. "Kurro? What the hell are you doing here? You know what time it is?" Iwazumi asked. "It's only 10pm, you have a bedtime or something?" I asked "I have school in the morning, what are you doing here?" He asked yawning.

"My girlfriend has been crying her eyes out for the past few days because your captain let a maniac play on the team" I said. As I said that, I could tell he finally woke up, "she's really going through it huh" he said "plus the rest of her team, she's a captain Iwazumi, you should know what it's like to try and reassure your own team that everythings gonna be fine when one of your own in on the brink of death" I said "she's not going to die" he said "well that's what she thinks!" I exclaimed "what the hell was Oikawa thinking? Don't you have a say in who gets to be on the team?" I asked "I don't know what he was thinking and I should have a say but he didn't inform me of it; I have the feeling that he really thought we could beat them if we brought more force on the team or...he was trying to impress one of the girls" I said.

"Impress who?" I asked "Yukiko, they're talking and he's about to make it serious but after that outburst she gave him I don't know how that relationship is gonna go anymore" he said. "Wait, Oikawa and the Vice-captain!? He thought that bringing in a violent player would impress her but not hurt one of her own? You know how bad that looks!" I exclaimed. "Listen! My family's asleep, keep it down. I knew something like this would happen; coach has been needing to deal with so much and Oikawa had been skipping practice. We're lucky that the school or her parents aren't suing us" he said. "I would, look, I just wanted to get the story straight because the minute my girlfriend is affected by it, I'm getting involved. Get Oikawa under control because if any of this happens again with another team, who isn't as nice, you guys are fucked" I said. "Don't give me a lecture on something I already know, I hope Makoto is okay and I'll keep you updated with what happens with Yuki if she doesn't tell you right away," he said.

"Alr- wait...she's keeping you updated?" I asked, giving him a glare, having my jealous boyfriend mode activated. "Relax I don't talk to Makoto...I'm talking to Rise" he said "THE BLONDE SPIKER!?" I exclaimed "good night Kurro! Go back home!" He slammed the door in my face leaving me shocked on his front porch.

"I've been hiding under a rock"

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