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Tuesday 28th, 2012

Kurro POV

I had heard from Makoto a few days ago that Yuki had woken up. Her condition is stable and she'll be making a few recovery, it was a relief to hear. I was also happy about the fact that Makoto was looking and feeling a lot better. I knew that she was a strong girl but when she told me one time that she didn't want me to get her Dango I started to get worried. I mean she lives off of that stuff so of course I was gonna worry.

That's why I bought her some for today's practice. She was coming to Nekoma to hang out and I didn't want her to go hungry. I came out the dressing room and saw the team already practicing expect for Kenma who was on his computer on the bleachers. "Kenma! Get to playing" I said "I'm busy" he said not looking up from his screen. "What could you possibly be doing?" I asked "Makoto's task, did you forget about him already?" He asked glancing at him. "Shit, I've been distracted lately. What do you have?" I asked looking at his screen "just his family and location, Makoto was right, he has very powerful sources. So much so that I can't get into most of them" he said.

"Fuck, can you do anything about it?" I asked "of course I can, I just need more time" he said. I glanced at Kenma, I've never seen him so focused on a project before. I have no clue what was on the screen but it looked like a bunch of complicated shit. "You're really pushing for her" I said "I care, you love her and she's genuinely a catch. She doesn't deserve the kind of treatment for someone she's not even seeing so this is the least we can do...I still don't know how she folded for you with that rooster hair you got" he said. "Ok, you ruined it. Do what you can and put it away before coach sees it" I said.

"Tetsuro!" I lifted my head and smiled. There she was, in her...volleyball uniform. I find my girlfriend attractive in anything she wears but her uniform was one that gets me thinking those thoughts every time. "Hey gorgeous" I hugged her and gave her the box of Dango "I got you something" I said. "Aww, I already ate but thank you" she said "Makoto-San~ Dont distract him too much he still has to focus!" Yaku exclaimed from across the court "shut up Yaku! Set up the damn net!" I yelled back. "Don't be so mean to them Tetsu, I'll be on the bleachers" she kissed my cheek causing the rest of the team to tease us.

"Line up! Damn..."

Makoto's POV

I giggled as I heard the team tease Kurro. I enjoyed hanging out with the guys, as much as they tease and make fun of each other they really care for one another. I appreciate that in a team because it makes healthy sportsmanship. "Hey Kenma" I said sitting next to him, he lifted his head and gave me a smile "Sero-San, I didn't notice you arrived" he said "I just got here, what are you up to?" I asked "trying to get into your ex's dads bank account, I found out he works in finance and I have a feeling he got into some sketchy stuff I could possibly use" he said.

"I see, well I can tell you that his father is definitely a sketchy guy" I said "I can give you Katsu's account number and maybe you can get in that way" I wrote down the number "that...would actually be great, you haven't had any visits from him right?" He asked "I haven't, I've been spending a lot of time with Tetsu though so I haven't been on campus that much anyways" I said. "I see, is that why you have that hickey on your neck?" He asked.

My face dropped as I covered the spot on my neck. "I...burned myself" I said "burned yourself? You never curl your hair Sero-San, I spotted one on Kurro earlier in the dressing room. Seems like you were smart enough to go low unlike him" he said. I blushed out of embarrassment, "damn Tetsuro, he never listens to me" I said "that's classic Kurro, when he gets excited he blocks out everything around him" he said.

That sure is right, the minute Kurro placed his lips on my neck he forgot what year it was. Thinking of that day again had me heated and feeling this way in the middle of his practice was not ideal for me. "You ok?" Kenma asked, noticing my sudden silence "Yeah I'm fine, I'm gonna head to the bathroom, I'll be back" I quickly left the gym with a small pouch I had in my bag.

I entered the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror to check the spot. "Kurro! I can't believe you did this! You weren't even there for more than a minute" I whined to myself. I rummaged through my bag and took out my makeup to try and fix this. As I was finishing up,the door to the bathroom but I was too focused on my artwork in my neck to notice. The person came up behind me and put their hands inside my shirt to rest their hands on my bare waist. I jumped at how cold their hands were and realized it was Kurro, he laid his chin on my shoulder. "You ok? I saw you rush in here" He asked "yeah...why wouldn't I be?" I asked "I don't know, just checking" he glanced down at my bag seeing all the makeup.

"I was just fixing myself, I didn't realize that was there until Kenma pointed it out" I said, putting setting powder on the spot to lock in all the makeup. He frowned a little, "you were fixing it? That was my love mark though" he said pouting and squeezed my waist "I know, but I told you to go low and you left such a big mark" I said "I did that on purpose". He spun me around and lifted me on the sink, "Kurro!" I exclaimed "I don't want any other man thinking that you don't belong to me". Before I could protest, he started sucking on the other side of my neck.

Here we go again.

"Kurro...we're in public...we're gonna get caught" I said trying to push him off me and control myself at the same time. It was very difficult to resist though, his boy had the eyes of a hungry feline and I was his prey, plus he was very talented in this field. His hands traveled up my body causing my jersey to trail up, it got to the point where I didn't care anymore as the sensation of pleasure overtook me and I finally submitted to him.

Kurros POV

I told the guys to take a longer break than usual. When I came in here, I was expecting to see her sick or emotional over something but to see her covering up my love mark...a whole different level of heartbreak. Yeah she said it was too big and it kind of was and she did tell me to go lower, but I can't have this girl walking around at school thinking that she was up for grabs when she wasn't.

I'd have to fix that of course.

I put her on the sink as my hands rested on her bare back, caressing her spine a bit to stimulate her. I started off by giving her kisses on her sweet spot to prep her up before beginning to suck. I put all my effort into it, causing her to squirm a little and run her fingers through my hair. I felt her move her head, giving me full range and permission to do whatever I pleasure with my muse. I sucked harder as she gripped onto my hair and one of my hands left her back to grip onto her thigh and my fingers traveled up her shorts. I was a gentleman at heart so I didn't invade her, but oh how the temptation fought with me. As the spot became blue, I bit down hard to finish off my session.

"A-ah!~ Tetsuro~"

I let out a groan hearing her moan out my name. It drove me insane knowing how much she loved it, how much pleasure I gave her. It gave me chills seeing her submit to me so easily, so much so that my hands developed a mind of their own. I soon started kissing her soft lips as my hands traveled up to her bra strap and started removing the clips one by one.

Before I could remove the last one I felt a hand grab my arm. I was out of my trance at the touch and looked up at her, she was red all over and breathing heavily "take me home with you" she said. This caught me off guard, was she serious? We've talked about this moment and it nearly happened on multiple occasions but I never wanted to force it on her. "Are you serious? We don't have to baby, I'm not forcing you" I tried reassuring her but she wasn't hearing any of it. "Tetsuro, take me home with you. I won't repeat myself".

It never occurred to me how much her dominant side turned me on. She never showed her assertive side too often off the court but whenever she did I took advantage of it every time, and this was one of those moments.

"Very well princess~"

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