I'm Incomplete Without You

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Sunday 5th, 2012

Kurros POV

The past few days have been very boring. After my kidnapping, my memory has been foggy here and there but I do remember most of the major events. The only visitors I've had were the cops asking me about the kidnapping and the break in. I helped the best I could but I found out a few days ago that Katsu was pronounced dead after being in the hospital for three days.

I killed a man.
The feeling was heavy. I never knew that I would have to do something like this but it was necessary. Makoto could've died if I didn't act but I don't know if I can get over that feeling. The police assured me that because it was self-defense and because I was the kidnap victim, that I wouldn't be charged. I was actually praised for stopping such a dangerous person, praise that I personally don't think I deserve.

I found out that Katsu had many underground projects that affected so many lives. He was responsible for over 50 dead bodies found, 100 cases of money laundering, and they found multiple files filled with inappropriate pieces of media. He wasn't a sick bastard, he was a monster. After hearing all of that, I was happy that someone like that was off this earth and that he had no control over the girl I love, but I don't think I could ever be the same after what happened.

I knew that I couldn't let it control my life though. I had people who loved and supported me, people who I knew would want me to succeed and be happy, people who suffered as much as I did. I couldn't let those people down, especially knowing that all our problems were over. I've received multiple gifts and flowers from my family and the team which made me feel a lot better about the whole situation. I spent my time reading my cards and eating all the chocolate I was given...Makoto hasn't visited me.

I don't blame her, she must have the police down her throat as well plus any other evidence she must have to help them close the investigation with Katsu's other men.

I miss her, she's the only person I could think of.

I tried to distract myself the best I could; I was able to visit Iwaizumi right next door from me. He got the worst of the injuries as he fought back the attackers the best he could. Mainly body injuries but he'll recover nicely. I saw Rise come in and out of the hospital a lot to see him, which only made me feel even worse that the woman I love wasn't visiting me. 

Wednesday 8th, 2012

I was finally released from the hospital and cleared to go back to school. I haven't seen the guys in so long that I was looking forward to practice for the first time. The minute that last period bell rang I dashed to the gym and went straight to the changing rooms. I tried to open the doors with my keys but it was already unlocked, I was confused, maybe Nobuyuki-kun is here already. I opened the door and peaked in seeing someone sitting on the equipment; I froze realizing who it was.


She was on her phone and glanced up at me, she gave me a smile and jumped off the equipment. "Welcome home~" she said as she hugged me by my neck. I dropped my bag and my arms instantly hugged her back, "oh my god...what are you doing here?" I asked "I came to see you, didn't you want to see me?" she asked "of course! I missed you so much. How did you get in here though?" I asked  "the team wanted to surprise you silly. You have no idea how excited I was to do this for you" she said. I smiled down at her, "those assholes, I love them to death. Are you staying?" I asked "yup, it's just me and you. The guys are gonna be running a little late so we'll have our alone time that you wanted~" she said caressing my hair.

"They're all gonna be late? That's not like them at all" I said. She gave me a dead panned look, "Kurro...be serious. I know you got hit in the head but come on" she said. I gave her a confused look before the pieces finally clicked "OH!" I exclaimed, she sucked her teeth and headed to the door "nevermind Tetsuro, I'll see you in the gym" she said "hey! Not so fast give me a second chance!" I grabbed her by her waist to pull her back into the changing room, locking it from the inside.

I'd have to clean this room up after we're done.

Makotos POV

"I can't believe you would do this to me!" I said as I washed the substance from my shirt "I'm sorry! I get excitement when I'm with you" he said from outside the restrooms, "shut up!" I yelled at him through the door. I decided to wear my volleyball uniform  because I know he likes the way I look in it, but if I knew he couldn't control himself I would've come in my regular clothes. I came out patting my shirt down with some towels as I glanced up at him, he had that stupid pout he uses to make me forgive him after he does something I don't like.

"You're lucky this is my last year, I would've murdered you" I said kissing his cheek "how many times do I need to apologize" he said "100 times" I said "100?! I'd be dead by then" he said "oh you're so dramatic...I hope you're ok. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you at the hospital; the cops had me in that station for so long" I said. "No no, I figured as much. I'm fine though, no major damage, just some head injuries and they found some injection spots, probably from him knocking me out" he said. I frowned, "god, you poor thing, what about with the whole stabbing thing ...it must be a big burden" I said.

"Oh...yeah...lets not talk about it, what's done is done and it's over now" he said hugging me "you can talk about it Tetsu, it's a traumatic event that no one expects you to get over" I said "I know, and I will talk about it when I'm ready to. For now, I just want to focus on college and you" he said. I gave him a soft smile, I feel guilty that Kurros life would never be the same. If I never met him, if I never got involved with him, he would still be a happy and burden free guy. It really makes me wonder...would he even want to continue seeing him...of course he would, our problems are over, Katsu's dead and no one will be coming after us...right?

"Hey...what's that look?" he asked lifting my chin for me to look him in the eyes "nothing...I'm just tired" I said "tired? Is that really it?" he asked "yes, I promise" I said "...Makoto, don't promise me when you're lying to me, what's going on" he said. I let out a shaky breath, the sting in my chest was appearing again, I didn't want to tell him. I feared that he would get angry at me for even thinking about this, "I just...I was thinking if you would even want to stay with me after what happened, I put your life in danger Kurro and you had to kill someone because of me" I said. He gave me a hurt look, "you think I would leave you because of this? Makoto, why would I do that? I've stayed with you through the entire thing so why would I leave after it's all done?" he asked.

"Wouldn't you be happier?" I asked "don't ever even think about that. I love you too much Makoto and I don't regret anything I did to keep you safe. I can't imagine my life complete without you" he said. I started tearing up, I never thought a man like Kurro existed. His feelings were real and his actions showed it, he would do anything for me to be safe and happy even if it meant that he would suffer but he didn't care. If he would be willing to put himself on the line for me, I should be able to do the same for him.

The day of our anniversary, Tetsuro gifted me a promise ring. I was left a crying mess when he put it on my finger, knowing that he really wanted to marry me one day. When I told the girls about it, they were as excited as I was, it was truly a special moment for the both of us but the wedding 4 years later was even more special, a day that we both won't forget.

-10 Years Later-

Kurro and Makoto went to separate colleges after highschool. Kurro studied Business and Finance to become the sports promoter for JVA Sports Promotion Division while Makoto studied Chemistry to become a Chemist for a private government agency. They got married after they both graduated college in the summer of 2016 and moved to the Shibuya area of Japan. They ended up having three kids, 2 girls & 1 boy. Kurro and Makoto started going to therapy because of the whole Katsu situation during their college years. They both ended up accepting what happened but there will always be things that will trigger them. Kurro was never able to feel 100% safe late at night by himself and Makoto still has a little guilt for being the reason for his trauma.

Nevertheless, they've been happily married for 8 years and always go back to Nekoma to see their volleyball games and to revisit old memories in the town they used to live in when they started dating.

"You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love in spite of the fact that they're not"
-Jodi Picoult

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