He's Gone...

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Sunday 22nd, 2012

Makoto's POV

It's been a little over a week since I sent Tetsu to be with Iwazumi. It was a better option to keep him with someone who can be with him after school, unlike me who is on campus 24/7. I've been in contact with them everyday to make sure that everything was okay; I know I seem calm and collected on the outside but I was freaking out. Katsu can attack at any moment, he knows where Kurro goes to school and hopefully his family doesn't also get targeted either. I try to keep those feelings under wraps, I don't want to worry Tetsu or any of the girls.

I am a captain after all, I'm good at keeping my cool even when I can sense things are going to shit.

To take my mind off of things, I would do what I always do, brush my hair. I have long brown thick hair that I would mess with to try and relax myself. The brushing motion and the sensation of the bristles on my scalp bring my nerves at ease. I sat in front of my mirror as I started to braid my hair, I felt recently that the hair in my face has become suffocating. As I was braiding, I heard my phone ring; I went over and saw that Tetsu was requesting a facetime. A smile appeared on my face as I propped my phone up and answered as I continued with my hair.

"Good Morning Handsome" I said keeping my attention on myself "Good Morning to me indeed~ The best view I've seen this week" he said. I smiled and glanced down at the phone, he looked like he just woke up, he was still in bed and had even messier bed hair then usual. "Aren't you charming, how was your week?" I asked "it's good, school's fine and I come home to my dearest Iwazumi-senpai and fall asleep as he whispers sweet nothings into my ear as he holds me close to his muscular chest" he said. I gave him a weird look, "should I be worried?" I asked, causing him to laugh "no princess, the only person who's cuddling up to anyone's chest is me against yours" he said. I rolled my eyes, "you're such a horn dog" I said, fixing my bangs "I haven't had you in so long baby~ I'm a little pent up" he said.

I chuckled, messing with the braid I just finished, "when this is all set and done, I'll let you have your way with me as much as you want" I said. This caught his attention, so much so that he sprung from his laying down position on the bed "really?!" he exclaimed "yes, but for now you'll have to use your imagination" I said "my imagination only works when I'm not sharing a room with a guy, Iwazumi is the best for letting me stay with him but I miss my personal space" he said "it's better than having you alone at my house, I actually want to have a good night's sleep" I said.

"You've been losing sleep?" he asked "just a little, it's not that big of a deal really" I said "yes it is, Makoto it's gonna be okay. Nothing is going to happen to me; I know that this guy is dangerous but you have people in your corner this time. This isn't like last time he showed up, I promise" he said. I stared at him through the screen, "I miss you Tetsu, I wish you were here, I wish I didn't need to send you away" I said "I miss you too princess, I love you more then anything but this bastard isn't gonna ruin what we have" he said.

I gave him a smile, "I love you more Tetsu, god I can't handle this, I need to see you even if it's less then a second I want to hold you" I said "I can get behind that...I know that Iwazumi is going to visit a friend today so you can come over and hold me as much as you want" he said.

That was one of the best things I've heard by far. It was risky for me to leave the campus, we have no idea where Katsu is and Kenma doesn't have a clear target on his location yet...but my urges for my boyfriend were overpowering my safety radar. If I was quick and careful I would be fine, so I agreed.

I had Rise take me to Iwazumis house later that day. It took a lot of convincing for her to actually take me knowing the risk I would be taking but I reassured her that it would be quick and she didn't even have to leave.

"You don't see him for a week and you're thinking about getting it on already" Rise muttered "that's not what this is about, I just want to see him" I said "you can see him through a screen where it's a lot safer" she said "it isn't enough Rise, I would assume you of all people would understand how it feels not to be with your boyfriend for this long" I said. A tint of pink showed on her face, "alright you don't need to out me like that, I know how it feels I just want you and Kurro to be safe" she said "and we will, this won't take more then five minute max I promise" I said.

She pulled up to Iwazumis house and parked, "you better keep that promise, go" she said. I smiled and hugged her, "thank you Rise" I rushed out the door and went up to the door. Excitement filled me as the only thing I could think of was being held in Tetsu's arms but that excitement soon left when I saw the front door on the ground, off the hinges.

"Shit...RISE!" I yelled to get her attention as I went inside. This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I won't allow it, everything started flooding in all at once and my heart started racing. The place was trashed just like Tetsu's place was, I searched everywhere in the house to see if I could find anyone. The first person I spotted was Iwazumi unconscious on the kitchen floor. Rise quickly got to him and I went upstairs to see if I could find Tetsu. I search in all the rooms, bathrooms, and even the attic with no avail.

He was gone...they took him.

I came back downstairs with a look of defeat on my face as Rise was in the kitchen looking at something. "He's not here...is he" she said "no...they took him...fuck he's gone Rise" I started tearing up at the though of not seeing him ever again and the things that they would do to him. "I know it's no surprise where he is, but...he left a note anyways" she said. She had a piece of paper in her hand which I took and read.


I'm leaving this note to you because I know you'd be the one to find it. If you're worried about your little boy toy, he's in my possession. The days I've observed you two have been the worst days of my life, the way this incel has infiltrated your head with mindless words and actions of affection have formed a deep hole in my heart. There is also the matter of him infiltrating your body, a sanctuary I should only be allowed to enter. My anger on this matter subsided as he'd taken advantage of you. You don't know any better, you never did. I'll forgive your idiotic disobedience with me as I know the incel had influenced your judgment of me. I'm doing this because I love you Kitten and I'll admit that I made a mistake to lose you, but I will not make the same mistake again. I'll give you a second chance. I will release your boy toy and leave your friends and family in peace. In return you will accept my hand in marriage and we will leave to South Korea to live our future together. Meet me in our spot a week from today to settle the agreement, if you refuse this offer or get the police involved his head will hang proudly in my living area and your closest companions will be haunted by my people. I think we both know the right choice, see you there kitten.


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