The Desolation of Smaug - Chapter Four

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Gandalf was gone. He had ridden off somewhere. We set the ponies loose and we entered the Greenwood. Everything felt off, dark. No light shone. Come night we could hardly see the path beneath our feet. I opened my palm, gathering a small amount of light. We followed the path till day break and repeated the process over and over again till we reach a river. It was evil. Pure evil. I was exhausted from using my magic at night. There was a bridge. As I stood at the base, I took off at a run. Landing on the other side I started watching as the dwarves and Bilbo crossed. They all managed to end up on the other side with only one casualty, that being Bombur. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a white stag. It was the mighty stag of Thranduil. His watch creature. I kneeled before it, dropping my head. The others had not noticed it yet. I stood again and walked towards the majestic creature. It let me stoke its head. An arrow flew past the two of us and the stag bolted. I followed after it, ignoring the cries of Bilbo and the dwarves. Running alongside it, we reached the palace in a matter of hours. The stag bowed its head and I returned the gesture. A guard stepped out of the great carved doors, approaching me.

"His Majesty the great King Thranduil wishes to speak with you." I followed the guard, reaching a great throne. I knelt before the king.

"Rise. You need not bow before me as you have already respected my stag." Rising from the floor, I looked the elf king in the eyes. They were cold, unfeeling. 

"Tell me, who is your father?" 

"Your majesty my father Glorfindel."

"The Balrog slayer?" 


"I was not aware he had taken a wife." I bit my lip, not entirely wanting to explain myself to Thranduil. 

"No your majesty my father never took a wife."

"Then are you adopted?" Well that was the logical conclusion. Except nothing about my situation was logical. 

"No your majesty. I was crafted from a lock of my father's hair and sunlight." I opened my palm, letting light gather in my hand. It disappeared and I looked back at Thranduil. He seemed mildly surprised but moved on to other matters he deemed important. 

"Why is the daughter of Glorfindel traveling with dwarves?" I answered his question somewhat truthfully. 

"I simply have nothing else your majesty. The world is full of perils and this one was one I was willing to take. I do not venture to certain areas of the world, per my father's explicit instructions. Where the dwarves head is not one of them." Thranduil did not look entirely interested in what I had to say. Instead he moved onto other things. 

"What is your name?"


"Stay here Malina. I would be honored to host such a women."

"Thank you your majesty." I wanted to reject the offer but he was a king. My father's title would only get me so far. I began to hope that Bilbo and the dwarves would be alright. Something in me was sure I would see them again.

(Legolas POV)

I stood in the shadows, watching as my father spoke to the girl. She had long blonde hair held back in a braid with little wisps. She had crystal blue eyes, the same shade as the sky. I watched as light gathered in her palm. She could wield light. As the light faded away I noticed her face was slightly pale. She seemed exhausted. I heard her name. Malina. It was a beautiful name.

"Legolas!" I slipped out of the shadows at my father's command.

"Show our guest to one of the empty rooms on your hall." I nodded silently, walking down the hall. As we were walking she spoke softly. Even her voice was beautiful to me. 

"My name is Malina. Your name is Legolas correct?" I nodded while still walking. I wasn't sure wether to speak or not. "Why are you so quiet?"

"No need to speak."

"That is a lie." She had caught on. "You have questions. Ask them." I did. I was just scared to ask them.

"I truly have no questions."

"Then answer a few of mine." That I could do.


"Why do you hide here? Under stone and bark, away from the light?" Well that was straightforward. 

"We don't always. In a few days there will be a splendid festival. The Feast of Starlight. You are welcome to join." We finally reached the room and I let out a sigh of relief. I was so nervous talking to her. Malina had one last question. 

"Is there a training ground?"

"Yes. Down the hall and to the right. Across from this room is mine. Should you need anything just knock."

"Thank you Legolas." She shut the door, leaving me alone in the hall. I entered my room, taking off my weapons. I wanted to die. She was beautiful. She was incredibly beautiful. I couldn't function around her. What was this inside me? 

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