Chapter 1

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Solomon. Wolfwood.

A small snowstorm had begun outside, and the faint sounds of its howling softly penetrated the cave. The crackling of the fire spread softly throughout it, and its flames gave light and warmth to its inhabitants.

I sat on a small rock and gazed at the dancing flames in deep thought.

When my eyes first saw a new world completely unfamiliar to me, my mind was filled with surprise and incomprehension. And a couple seconds later, memories that were not mine began to pour into my mind. The overwhelming amount of information gave me a massive headache that made me fall to my knees and grab my head.

It reminded me of watching a movie. I felt like I was being thrown from one scene to the next, and I was a front row viewer in a movie theater. I saw an ancient city that I had only read descriptions of in history books. I saw creatures that existed only in myths and legends, as well as a variety of flesh-and-blood heroes from the same place. I've seen magic that was only done on the television screen. And finally, I've seen battles on which the fate of an entire world depended. Scale so large that my eyes simply refused to look away from them.

When the visions were over and my mind cleared, I realized something important. I am no longer me. Not anymore. My very being had merged with the being of another. Solomon. And his reincarnation as Romani Archaman. Now, the present me is an amalgamation of the wise king of Israel, Solomon, the chief of the medical department of the Chaldean Security Organization, Romani Archaman and the old me, the most ordinary office plankton who lived the most ordinary life.

And accordingly, I received their memories, knowledge, skills and some character traits. Including Solomon's own body. And what can I say? I don't envy Solomon - I feel sorry for him. In his entire life, he never made a single decision of his own volition. But there was only one exception - the desire to become human. That's how Romani Archaman was born. That's how he learned human emotions and aspirations.

I could feel the faint presence of magic in these lands. And the farther south it went, the weaker it became. It was as if there, in the south, the magic was already dead and had nothing to hold on to. But towards the north, the situation was completely opposite.

The further north you go, the stronger it is. The ley lines of this world are in the north? That's the only conclusion I could come up with. Also, the local mana is so diluted and smeared. It was similar to the mana that Romany felt when he was alive. That is, mana from the age of man. So, either the era of the gods of this world has already ended or is just coming to an end.

No, it isn't. The mana of this world is even weaker than it should be in the age of man. That is, the world is approaching its tipping point. A point that will determine its fate. Whether it should continue to exist or be lost in the sands of time. And from the amount of mana I could sense, that tipping point would be reached within the next ten years, give or take.

I think I've found the reason for my arrival in this world. As well as the reason for my meeting this boy. By looking at him with my Wisdom, I was able to see threads of fate in him, more like ropes of some sort. And those were the threads that my eyes saw in Ritsuka Fujimaru. That boy is one of the key figures of this world.

While I was pondering, with the edge of my eye, I managed to notice a slight movement from the boy's side. And, after a couple of seconds, he opened his eyes and slowly stood up, looking around. When he saw me, his eyes opened wide with surprise for a moment, but quickly returned to normal, apparently remembering what had happened.

- Are you all right, child? - I asked him.

- Y-yes. Thank you, sir mage, for saving my life. I swear on my honor that I will repay you for your kindness," he said, and slowly rose to his feet and bowed to me.

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