Chapter 21

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Anemone and Tsunami began to walk over to where Coral and Blister were. "Something's up there, something big," Anemone whispered. Queen Coral hissed softly. "I'll call my guards," Coral said, but not loud enough for the intruder to hear. "No, we want to catch whoever it is, not scare them away," Blister announced. The leaves began to rustle again, Blister's ears twitched a bit, then she stuck out her talon. "A spy!" Blister said. And out came a dragon. "Webs?!" Coral screamed. "Oh, it's just a SeaWing," Blister said, brushing it off. "Not just a SeaWing, this is our tribes biggest traitor!" Coral hissed. "Your majesty, please, I've come to beg for mercy," Webs pleaded. "Mercy? After what you did?!" Coral yelled, "Mercy denied!"
Coral then whipped her tail at Webs with her silver narwhal horn, and Anemone couldn't help but here a crack. "Mother, don't. . . He- He might have information," Anemone said. "Why would you saved his life after everything he did to you?" Coral asked, with a small hiss. "I. . ." Anemone trailed off. Why would she? "Perhaps Anemone means that we can now find out how he snuck into The Royal Hatchery, clever dragonet she must get her brains from you," Blister said. "I suppose interrogating him would be useful," Coral said. "My friends deserve to see him, he was their guardian, too," Anemone called. "If my friend's daughter insists, how could I object? Lets adjourn to my cave," Blister said. "If we must," Coral sighed. Some hours later, Webs woke up, and the moment he saw them, his pupils dilated. "But the SkyWings. . . I thought you were dead! How did you- "We escaped," Kinkajou interupted. "It was amazing! You should have seen us! We- "We'll tell you some other time," Umber said. Anemone felt a little bad for the MudWing, it was obvious he missed his SkyWing friend, Anemone never actually get his name, what was it? Scorch? Scamp? Oh right! Sky, Anemone thought. "I was sure you were too cowardly to ever return," Coral snarled. "I know I'm not worthy, your majesty, but I- I hoped. . ." Webs trailed off. "Why did you steal one of my eggs? It could have been anyone's!" Coral yelled. "The egg was such a light blue, with so much pink, it had to be the one from the prophecy,"  Webs confessed, "I would never have betrayed you for anything else, but for peace. . ."
"How did you get into the hatchery? I had guards posted at the door every moment," Coral asked. "I drugged the guards, I- I knew someone who helped me, it wasn't their fault," Webs said. "Well, I killed them anyway," Coral said. Webs' pupils dilated, and tears began to go down his face. "As for the someone who helped you- your wife, I assume?" Coral asked. Webs didn't say anything, only nodded. "Of course that's why she was reassigned from the kitchens to the front lines, too bad that first battle was such a blood battle," Coral said, carelessly. Webs glanced at the five, then turned his eyes back to Queen Coral. "Now that I know the dragonets are safe, you can do whatever you like to me," Webs said, prepared to die. "I will, we can start with you telling me where to find The Talons Of Peace," Coral demanded. "Why?" Anemone asked. "Revenge, dear," Coral said. "Don't you have more important thing s to do? They're awful dragons, but they only want to end the warm isn't that what everyone wants?" Anemone asked. Blister then began to flex her talons. "We're not trying to end the war, we're trying to win it," Blister said, "I hope you can see the difference."
"But killing The Talons Of Peace won't help that!" Anemone fought. "And they saved Anemone's life," Moon said. "What?!" Coral snapped. "Well, Webs, he- He took her egg before the assassin could get it, by stealing her, he- and The Talons- Saved her life," Moon explained. No! The Talons Of Peace ruined my life- They didn't save it! Anemone thought, Right? Or. . . Did they. . . Accidentally?
All my fantasies of growing up here with my mother and my tribe. . . None of that would have happened, I'd have died in my shell, like the little dragonet yesterday
A SeaWing then came walking in. "Your majesty! We found a suspicious dragon lurking outside, he must be working with Webs," The SeaWing said. "Bring him to me," Coral commanded. Suddenly Pike came crashing in the cave. Oh no! Anemone thought. 

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