Chapter 2

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In Mannat Villa, Paris

A man in his mind thirties is seen sleeping with a peaceful face. Just then, another man enters the room and shakes his head in disbelief.

Man 2: Wake up Ro! It's time for office...

Man 1: (whining) Go away Vi, I wanna sleep.

(Yes, the men are none other than our RohiRat [Rohit+Virat]).

Virat: Ro, this is the last warning... WAKE UP!

Rohit showed no movement. Virat smirked and took a jug of water, that was placed on the nightstand and poured it on Rohit.


With this, Rohit woke up and started chasing Virat all around the house. The chaos attracted the attention of Anushka and Ritika.

Anushka: Heyy... What happened? Why are both of you running like maniacs?

Rohit: (whining) Ask your Devil husband Sharma sis. He poured a whole jug of water on me.

Anushka: (glaring at Virat) Vi....

Virat: (baffled) Nush, I tried waking him up but, he didn't show any signs of waking up. So, I poured water on this panda (pointing at Rohit).

Rohit: Heyy, I am not a panda. You are a monkey!

Virat: And you are a pig!

Rohit: YOU.....

Virat: (sassy) Yeah me!

Before Rohit or Virat could speak something else, Anushka and Ritika yelled.

Anushka and Ritika: SHUT UP!!!!

Anushka: (tired sigh) How much do you guys fight everyday? Don't you both get tired?

Ritika: (agreeing) EXACTLY!! Sammy, Vamu and Aki combined do not create as much chaos as you both create everyday. It's easier to handle them than compared to handling you.

Both Rohit and Virat pouted angrily towards Anushka and Ritika.

RohiRat: (huffing and hugging eachother) You both are just jealous of us!

Anushka and Ritika shook their heads in disbelief and passed eachother a knowing look. Rohit and Virat suddenly looked around, searching for someone.

Virat: Where is my princess, little princesses and Prince?

Ritika: Vi bro, did you forget that baby (Amayra) left for Italy, for her upcoming fashion gala??

Virat: oh yeah, I almost forgot that...

Anushka: And the kids are in the playroom.

Rohit: The house seems really quite without Amy....

Virat, Anushka and Ritika: (chuckling lightly) Right!!!!

Rohit: When is she coming back?

Ritika: Next week Ro.

Later, Rohit and Virat got ready for office and left. Anushka and Ritika left shortly to their workplace, along with the kids.

In Italy

A girl is seen walking around in her cabin. Stress was evident on her face. Just then, her phone started ringing, causing her to halt at her place. A huge smile covered her face on seeing the caller ID.

"Vi Bro🥴🤯"

(Yes, the caller was none other than the Virat Kohli and the stressed person is Amayra Kohli)

On the call:

Vi: Hey princess, had your lunch?

Amy: Yes Vi-bear, I did. What about you?

Vi: Yup baby sis!

Amy: What is Ro Bhai, bhabhis and my cute babies doing?

Vi:Me and Ro are at the main restaurant today. Your bhabhis are at their office and the babies are along with them.

Ro: (in the background to Vi) Who are you talking to?

Vi: It's Amy!

Ro: Hey butterfly, how's your day going on?

Amy: Hey Ro-bear!! It's going just fine...

RohiRat: Why do you sound so low?

Amy: The gala is in three days, and I'm really stressed and I feel like I'm turning blank...

Vi: Relax baby sis... Your gonna do really well!

Ro: (teasing) Yeah, and if you ever feel down, just remember your great brother... 'The Rohit Sharma'.

Vi: Oh, then what am I? Showpiece?

Rohit: Nah, you are a joker!

Vi: You panda...


Vi: Yes you are! Lazy and always eating! (Laughing at the end)

Amy: (feeling better) STOP IT bros! You are worse than kids!

RohiRat: No we are not! You are just jealous of us!

Amy: (sarcastically) Yeah, right!

The three siblings (by heart) spoke for a few more minutes before RohiRat ended the call as they had some meeting.

Unexpected meetings!

With Love,
Krishi Rathode ❤️

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