Chapter 7

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“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”

- George MacDonald

Rohit and Virat were sitting in Virat's cabin, wrapping up the work, so that they can finish all their current projects before going to India. They didn't want to go to India but, work is important.

"Vi, do you think it's safe to go to India?" Rohit asked worriedly.

"I don't know Ro... But we have no other option." Virat sighed sadly.

"What if something happens to our family?" Ro asked.

"I'm hiring extra protection and, once we reach India, noone is going out without their personal body guards." Virat assured.

"That will be great! I'm a bit relieved now." Rohit said with a smile.

"Aww panda, stop worrying now!" Virat teased, to lighten the situation and Bingo! It worked. Rohit glared at Virat.

"Don't call me that!" Rohit yelled.

"What? Panda!" Virat laughed.

With this, the Tom and Jerry show started. Rohit was chasing Virat all around the cabin and Virat was laughing at how 'a panda cannot catch him'.

Amayra's side

Amayra had come on a siblings day out with Siraj, Tilak and Devdutt. The four were in an arcade, chilling and playing games. They were acting like crazy kids who have been let free.

"Idiot, that is my prize, I won't it..." Devdutt whined as Amayra snatched his stuffed toy.

"Oh come on Dev, you win another one. This one's for me." Amayra said, using her puppy eyes.

"Ugh... Okay fine." Dev whined.

Before they could say anything further, Amayra received a phone call. Amayra's eyes widened for a second before she excused herself and moved to a reserved place where there was less noise to take the call.

--------------- On the call ---------------

"Hey Ayra... Missed me?" The caller asked.

"Hello Shubman, no I didn't miss you." Amayra said.

"Haww... But I missed you a lot." Shubman said with a chuckle.

"Aww... I was just teasing you Maan, I missed you a lot too." Amayra said in awe.

"I know right. Noone can ignore my charms." Shubman boasted.

"And here goes the cute kid..." Amayra teased.

"I'm not a kid." Shubman argued.

"Yes you are!" Amayra teased.

"Huh fine, leave it. What were you doing?" Shubman asked.

"I was in the arcade with my brothers." Amayra said excitedly.

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