Chapter 5

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“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”

– A. A. Milne

Amayra was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was an unknown number. She received it.

"Hello, Amayra speaking!" Amayra said over the phone.

"Hey Amayra. It's me. Reached your home?" The caller asked nervously.

On hearing the voice, Amayra's eyes widened like a saucer. She rechecked her phone and for a moment, she forgot how to speak.

(Just kidding XD XD)

----On the call----

"S-Shubman?" Amayra asked, sounding unsure.

(Yes, it is none other than Shubman Gill! 🥳🤪
How many of you guessed it right?)

"Yes, I am Shubman... I'm glad that you  still remember me." Shubman said jokingly.

"Whatever... Why did you call me?" Amayra asked.

"Haww... Don't be rude. Is this how you speak to your boyfriend?" Shubman scolded like a child, making Amayra roll her eyes and smile.

"Excuse me, I didn't agree to be your girlfriend... yet." Amayra countered.

"Hmm... How about we go on regular dates till you agree?" Shubman offered.

"Hmm... How about a NO?" Amayra teased.

"Oh come on Ayra, don't be so boring..." Shubman nagged.

"Oh look who's speaking of being boring..." Amayra said chuckling.

"I am not boring." Shubman defended himself.

"I didn't say that you are boring... But, seems like you think like that." Amayra pulled his legs.

"Now, tell me honestly, will you go on a few dates with me until you can make a decision about us?" Shubman asked, now getting serious.

"I would love to Shubman... But I do not live in India... Remember?" Amayra said.

"Hmm... Where do you live?" Shubman asked.

"In Paris!" Amayra said.

"Shall I come there for a week?" Shubman asked.

"No!!" Amayra immediately yelled.

'oh no, he cannot come here... Vi bhaiyya and Ro bhaiyya might be disturbed, and what will I tell them? Moreover, Dev, Tilak and Siraj Bhai are also here... Think of something Amy...' Amayra thought to herself.

"Why? Anything wrong?" Shubman asked worriedly.

"I- I mean... How about I come to India?" Amayra said and immediately regretted her words.

She did not mean to say those words but, it just came out of her mouth suddenly.

"You are coming to India? That's so cool... When are you coming?" Shubman asked excitedly.

Amayra wanted to say no but, on listening to his excitement, she just couldn't do it. She knew that he liked her and is genuinely putting a lot of efforts to work it out. She also wanted to know more about him and work on their new relationship and see if they can be together.

"I... I am coming next week." Amayra said.

"Okay, that's great. Till when are you staying?" Shubman asked.

"A week?" Amayra said, unsure about it.

"That will be great... Even I am having a week off... Will be waiting for you. Bye!" Shubman exclaimed.


----Call ends----

In India

Shubman, Ishan and Abhishek returned from their Italy trip the day before. They had departed to their homes houses and decided to meet after the end of their holidays.

Shubman's POV

I feel so elated after talking to Amayra. Just thinking about her makes me feel happy and relaxed. She  is so straight forward, smart, cool and yet an angry bird.... She reminds me of Virat sir and Rohit sir... My idols. Are they related? Ugh Shub, what are you thinking? She most probably dislikes cricket so, how can she be related to Virat sir and Rohit sir... No chance! I have also started thinking useless things due to this Ishan and Abhishek.

Amayra asks Ro-Ko for permission to go to school India!!

Hey guys,

How was the chapter?

What do you think of Shubman and Amayra?

Will Virat and Rohit let Amayra go to India?

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With Love,
Krishi Rathode ❤️

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