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The morning sun streamed through the windows of the Black Bulls' hideout, casting a warm glow over the chaotic scene within. Magna and Luck were arguing, while Finral lounged nearby, scrolling through his phone. Gauche, as usual, was lost in his own world, gazing fondly at pictures of Marie.

Asta descended the stairs with a grin, taking in the familiar chaos with amusement. "Morning, everyone," he greeted."

Luck glanced up from his argument with Magna, a manic grin spreading across his face. "Asta! You won't believe what Magna's going on about now."

Magna shot Luck a glare, his arms crossed over his chest. "It's not about what I'm going on about, it's about you stealing my food!"

Luck retaliated by poking his tongue out. "If you want me to go buy you some more, you'll have to fight me first!"

Finral, who seemed over it, glanced up from his phone. "Seriously, can't we have one breakfast without a fight breaking out?"

Asta laughed, joining Finral at the table. "Seems like things are in full swing today."

Luck caught sight of Asta once again. "Hey, Asta! So, about you and Noelle..."

Asta looked at him dumbfounded. "Huh? What about us?"

Magna leaned forward, his smirk growing. "Don't be coy, we saw you two holding hands yesterday. What's going on there, lover boy?"

Asta's face turned beet red as he waved his hands frantically. "What? No! We're just friends, and I'm just helping her out with something. Plus, Noelle doesn't like me like that."

Magna shot Asta skeptical look, his eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Helping her out, huh? Is that what they're calling it these days?"

Finral chuckled, putting his phone down. "I don't know, Asta. She might like you. I've seen the way she looks at you sometimes."

Asta blinked, genuinely perplexed. "Noelle? Really? Nah, she's just... being nice, right?"

Gauche, barely glancing up from his pictures of Marie, added to the conversation. "Dude, are you seriously that dense? Even I can see it, and I don't pay attention to anything besides my sister."

Magna crossed his arms, nodding. "Honestly, Asta, from the moment you two joined the Black Bulls, I thought you two were going to be a thing. It's obvious to everyone but you."

Asta scratched the back of his head, thinking back to all his interactions with Noelle. She was always flustered around him, but Asta just assumed that's how she usually acted. "You guys really think so?"

Luck clapped Asta on the back. "Absolutely! You should talk to her."

"Yeah, and if it turns out she doesn't like you, well, I'm always here for her." Finral leaned in with a sly grin.

Magna and Luck exchanged knowing glances.

"Sure, Finral. Whatever you say," Magna teased. "You haven't had any success with a girl in like, a year."

Finral huffed, crossing his arms. "Hey, at least I'm more attractive than you punk with the freaky glasses! And for your information, it's been three months!"


Asta was outside doing some physical strength training, but as he did his sit-ups, he couldn't get his mind off of yesterday's morning conversation.

Why does everyone think Noelle likes me? He pondered, brows furrowing in confusion. Noelle was always so strong, so confident, even if she got flustered sometimes. It didn't make sense that she would be interested in him.

And if she really did like him, why was she pursuing Damon? And wouldn't she have said something by now?

Asta tried to wrap his head around it, but the pieces didn't quite fit together.

He began to assess their time spent together. Noelle had always been there, supporting him, pushing him to be better. But did that really mean she liked him as more than a friend? Asta couldn't deny that the idea made his heart beat a little faster.

Then, a startling thought struck him.

I never really considered the fact that I might like her.

He had always admired Noelle's kind heart beneath the royal facade. But had he ever considered those feelings as something more than friendship?

Could it be possible that he had been so focused on his goals, so determined to become the Wizard King, that he had overlooked his own emotions?

The thought left him feeling both anxious and strangely exhilarated, and he knew he needed to sort through these feelings before confronting Noelle about it.

Someone calling his name snapped him out of his thoughts. It was Noelle, waving and making her way over to him. Suddenly, he felt a bit nervous. They exchanged some small talk, discussing the training session from the previous day and the usual antics of their teammates.

"So, Damon wants to take me on a date."

Asta's stomach did a flip-flop. "Oh, really? When?"

"Next week."

"Ah, so you, Vanessa, and Charmy are doing another mixer?"

Noelle shook her head. "Not exactly. Damon wants to take me out alone."

For some reason, he felt his smile falter. "Oh."

Noelle continued, "Yeah. He wants to take me to a fancy dinner at night. It sounds nice."

He cleared his throat before speaking. "That's wonderful. So, do you feel ready for it?"

Noelle sighed, looking a bit anxious. "I don't know, I'm kind of nervous. I'm not sure if I'm ready. I don't sure what to say to him or what to wear or what perfume. Sheesh, should I wear my hair up or down? Is makeup a bit too much?"

Asta chuckled, "Slow down, Noelle. The date'll go fine."

Noelle took a deep breath, still looking uncertain. Asta cleared his throat again and scratched the back of his head, "Do you... uh, want more practice? I just, um, want you to be fully ready, you know." His eyes darted away momentarily, feeling a bit awkward.

"Sure, that would be great."

"Okay then, let's focus some more on conversation and what to say," Asta suggested. "We can practice that first, and then maybe get you comfortable with more physical contact."

Asta thought he saw Noelle's cheek turn pink at the mention of physical contact, but he convinced himself he was just imagining it.

Noelle nodded, feeling a bit more confident. "Thanks, Asta. I appreciate it."

"Anytime," he replied, feeling a strange pang in his chest. He tried act casual but found himself fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "Let's make sure this date goes perfectly for you."

As they parted ways, Asta couldn't shake the feeling of unease. Noelle seemed so excited to be meeting up with Damon.

Well, he thought.  The Bulls were wrong this time.

Noelle doesn't like me, after all.


published: june 6, 2024 :P

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