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The night before Noelle's big date, she and Asta found themselves in a cozy corner of the Black Bulls' hideout, preparing for various scenarios that might arise.

"Alright." Asta started. "Let's go over what we practiced. If Damon asks you to describe yourself, what would you say?"

Noelle bit her lip, thinking for a moment. "Um, well, I'd probably say... trustworthy, reliable, and...uh..."

"Caring?" Asta suggested, his voice soft.

Noelle's lips curved into a shy smile. "Maybe," she murmured, avoiding Asta's gaze.

As they continued their practice, Asta suddenly reached out, taking her hand in his own. "We've done this before. So you're comfortable with it, right?"

Noelle's heart quickened as Asta's warm hand enveloped hers. "Yeah, I think so," she choked out, her voice barely above a whisper. "But...maybe we should still practice just in case."

Asta nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Sure thing," he said, squeezing her hand gently.

Noelle's breath caught in her throat as she felt Asta's touch, her skin tingling with excitement.

As they practiced holding hands, Noelle couldn't help but notice how right it felt to be close to Asta. His presence was comforting, and for some reason, it just felt right.

But when Asta suggested they practice hugging, Noelle's heart almost leapt out of her chest.

"H-... Hugging?" She jaw-dropped.

"Yeah, you know, in case Damon tries to pull you in for a hug," he explained.

Noelle's cheeks flushed pink as she processed Asta's words. "Oh, right, of course," she stammered, trying to hide her embarrassment.

As Asta wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a warm embrace, Noelle's stomach did a somersault, her body melting into his.

For a moment, they simply stood there, lost in each other's embrace. Noelle felt a sense of peace wash over her, her worries and insecurities melting away in Asta's arms.

But the sound of someone approaching the hideout startled them, causing Asta and Noelle to quickly pull away from each other.

"Hey, Asta, Noelle!" Vanessa slurred, her words slightly slurred as she stumbled into the room. "What're you two up to?"

"Oh, uh, just practicing for something," Asta replied quickly, shooting a nervous glance at Noelle.

"Yeah, just... stuff," Noelle added, her voice slightly strained as she tried to mask her embarrassment.

Vanessa blinked owlishly, then grinned widely. "Well, isn't that nice! You two are so cute." she exclaimed before launching into another ramble about her own adventures of the night.

Noelle felt her cheeks burn even hotter as she mumbled a quick goodbye and practically fled up the stairs, leaving Asta to deal with Vanessa's drunken antics alone.

As she hurried down the hall and into her room, she closed the door with a soft click and leaned against it, feeling a rush of emotions. She couldn't believe she had just hugged Asta and liked it.

She really liked it.


The evening was set in a luxurious restaurant, Damon's choice, of course. He seemed to revel in the extravagant setting.

The date started off on a promising note, with Damon's charm and charisma making for an engaging conversation. Noelle found herself drawn in by his stories, even if he did seem to boast about his accomplishments a little too often.

Each story seemed to highlight his supposed superiority, leaving Noelle feeling somewhat unimpressed. She couldn't shake the feeling that Asta's adventures were far more exciting and meaningful than Damon's mundane tales.

Yet, Noelle listened intently as Damon rambled, his voice filled with an air of self-importance. She waited patiently for a pause in his monologue, mentally rehearsing the conversation techniques Asta had taught her.

Finally, when Damon took a breath, she seized the opportunity to interject.

"That's impressive, Damon," Noelle smiled, her tone measured and confident. "So, what do you do to help out in the village?"

Damon's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, momentarily taken aback by Noelle's interruption. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Noelle continued, gathering her thoughts, "you've been talking a lot about your own accomplishments, so I figured one of those achievements must've been to help the people of the Clover Kingdom. Right?"

Damon's expression softened slightly as he took in her words, but before he could respond, he launched into another story about his latest victory.

She had hoped to engage him in a meaningful conversation, to share her own perspectives and experiences, but it seemed that Damon was more interested in hearing his own voice.

"But anyway," he finally said, bringing the conversation back on topic. He leaned back in his chair with an air of superiority.  "What do you do for the good of the Clover Kingdom?"

"Well, I am a member of the Black Bulls," she replied.

Damon's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A Black Bull, huh? I didn't expect that." His tone carried a hint of disapproval, which didn't go unnoticed by Noelle.

She felt a pang of annoyance at his reaction but brushed it aside. "Yes, I am a Magic Knight and a proud Black Bull," she continued, a touch of pride seeping into her voice despite Damon's disdain.

Damon scoffed lightly. "I see. And what does a young lady like yourself do in a group of rowdy fighters?"

"I fight alongside my squad, just like any other Magic Knight."

His expression darkened slightly. "Hmm, interesting. Personally, I believe a woman's place is in the home, taking care of her family and supporting her husband. But I suppose times are changing."

Noelle's jaw clenched at his outdated views, but she forced herself to maintain her composure. "Times are indeed changing, and women are capable of much more than just domestic duties."

"I see you're quite passionate about this," he remarked, his tone bordering on patronizing.

Noelle resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "I simply believe in equality and that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their passions, regardless of gender," she replied evenly.

The rest of the evening passed in strained conversation, with Damon's pretentious attitude casting a shadow over the date. Noelle couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment as she realized that Damon's narrow-minded views were a dealbreaker for her.

As they parted ways outside the restaurant, Damon leaned in to kiss her cheek, but Noelle instinctively pulled away. "I'm sorry, Damon, but I don't think this is going to work out."

Damon looked taken aback, his confidence momentarily faltering. "What do you mean? I thought we were having a good time."

"No, Damon, we weren't," Noelle shot back. "Your outdated views and condescending attitude are not something I can overlook. I deserve someone who respects me for who I am."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Damon standing alone on the sidewalk, his expression a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

As she walked home, Noelle felt a sense of liberation wash over her. She may not have found love tonight, but she had reaffirmed her own worth and refused to settle for anything less than she deserved.


published: june 6,2024.

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