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Five Weeks Later

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Five Weeks Later

Author's Pov
It had been quite some time since Ivy had finished the task assigned to her by Armani. Ivy had anticipated that the experience would be filled by regret and sleepless nights spent ruminating over her actions. Surprisingly, this wasn't the case for Ivy. Armani found this particularly astonishing. When Armani first undertook a similar task, the immediate and overwhelming emotion she felt was regret. It was unexpected and intriguing to realize that Ivy didn't share the same emotional response.

Armani had no intention of pressuring Ivy to emulate her. Although she recognized that Ivy possessed similar traits deep down, she didn't want Ivy to squander her life as she had. Armani's only gain from the situation was the validation of her beliefs. Indeed, Ivy was just as fucked up as Armani, but that didn't mean she wanted Ivy to jeopardize everything she had due to the misguided mindset Armani carried.

Armani wouldn't let her throw her life away.

Just a few months ago, Armani was prepared to jeopardize everything for Ivy. She wanted Ivy to be just as wretched and desolate as she felt herself. Her initial intentions were to shatter Ivy, not through physical harm but by breaking her spirit. However, Armani's perspective had shifted dramatically since then. Now, she was committed to doing the exact opposite. While the idea of having Ivy engage in underhanded tactics alongside her when the situation called for it was appealing, it was only because Ivy had a separate, more stable life to return to.

Armani, on the other hand, was rooted in chaos and dysfunction as a way of life. She had come to realize that dragging Ivy into her world of despair would be an unforgivable act. Instead, she now sought to protect Ivy from the very darkness that consumed her own existence.

It had been nearly a month since Ivy had last seen Raegon in person. Although they would chat on the phone occasionally, both of them deeply felt the absence of each other's physical presence. Despite Ivy's desire to share details about her dating life with her best friend, she had yet to find the right time and approach. However, today, Ivy felt an overwhelming urge to confide in Raegon. Knowing Raegon's straightforward nature when it came to giving advice, Ivy couldn't help but wonder how the conversation would unfold. She hoped that sharing this aspect of her life wouldn't strain their friendship.

After all, Ivy was dating a killer who had gotten her to kill.

"Why does she have to come over? Can't you just tell her about me and be done with it?" Armani questioned, both hands tucked into the front of her sweatpants as she tried to shield herself from the cold temperatures inside of the house. Ivy noticed Armani's habit of doing this had become frequent, and she secretly thought it looked hot, though she'd never say it out loud.

"Armani, this isn't just about you. I haven't seen her in almost a month. I miss her," Ivy corrected. As she spoke, Ivy continued to carefully adjust the position of the pillows scattered on the couch. Armani's face immediately scrunched up in irritation as she listened to Ivy's words.

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