Chapter 23

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Part Three: Out Of The Egg

Before Anemone went to the hatchery, she went to the weaponry and grabbed a spear, then flew to the hatchery so her little sister could hatch, and she could find the assassin, Anemone searched the entire room for a secret entrance, nothing, Anemone clutched the egg tightly. Well, I can't find any secret tunnels anywhere, Anemone thought. Anemone shifted her eyes to the green-blue egg. But don't worry, I'm here to protect you, Anemone thought. Anemone began to fall asleep, when she heard a sccrrraaaapppeee. Anemone looked around the hatchery in confusion, Anemone put the egg down to look around the hatchery. Stay here, Anemone thought. Anemone turned her head around the hatchery and shifted her eyes around, she then heard that sccrrraaaapppeee again, Anemone looked around the hatchery, there was no one in sight, but the noise kept coming, she still heard sccrrraaaapppeee Anemone continued to look all around, until she noticed, the statue. Wait. . . Wasn't the statue facing the door before? Anemone thought. Anemone gazed at the statues blue gems, when suddenly the gems began to glow, and the statue opened its mouth, and that's when Anemone realized. Nobody's sneaking in, the assassins been in here all along, Anemone thought. The statue then pounced at Anemone, also ready to shatter the egg behind Anemone, the statue slashed Anemone's throat, and Anemone shoved the statue, but didn't get very far. How can you defeat a dragon of solid stone? Anemone thought. The statue then pushed Anemone into the wall, it then pushed in talon on Anemone's chest, and she could feel her scales cracking, Anemone glared at the statue. You are not getting that egg! Anemone thought. The statues face got closer to Anemone, then Anemone stuck her talon to its eyes, and plucked the gems out, the statue put its talons to its face in surprise, while Anemone had a chance, she shifted her eyes around the hatchery, she found some holes in the floor and dropped the gems in there, Anemone glanced around, looking for the spear, luckily it was near the female unhatched SeaWing egg. Will this spear even do anything against stone? Anemone thought. Suddenly the statue sprang out of nowhere and attacked Anemone again. How is it possible no one noticed this thing? Anemone thought, The animus that made it must have enchanted it to only come alive when the door is closed and no witnesses are here.
So why is it coming alive with me here?
Suddenly, Anemone realized why. Because it's enchanted to kill the queen's daughters, I'm a target, not a witness, Anemone thought. The statue sprang towards Anemone, Anemone was ready to use the spear, but the statue stole it out of her talons, so Anemone decided to improvise. "Can you hear me? Who enchanted you?" Anemone tried to ask the statue. The statue sprang towards Anemone again, this time Anemone dodged the statue and grabbed the spear, as she was getting the spear, the statue sprang towards her unhatched little sister. Nope! Not gonna happen! Anemone thought. Anemone put the spear infront of the statue to stop it from grabbing the egg, the statue was about to attack Anemone again, but this time Anemone shoved the spear in the statue's mouth, the statue tried to break free as Anemone went to grab the egg, as Anemone picked up the egg, the green-blue egg went kkkrrrak, and out came two SeaWing dragonets. I guess that's why the egg was larger and heavier than a normal SeaWing egg, Anemone thought. One of the new hatchlings had emerald-green scales, dark green eyes, and green wings, and her snout was similar to Tsunami's, Anemone glanced at the other SeaWing hatchling, she had deep indigo scales, a long with dark blue eyes, and her dark purple horns had black swirls around her horns. Suddenly, the spear holding the statue broke, and the statue chased Anemone and the new-hatched dragonets, Anemone swam to the door, and when the statue was able to snap her neck- like she did to Gill, her father, Anemone crashed through the door, and the statue stopped in place. Oh thank goodness, Anemone thought. 

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