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Elena opens her eyes and looks down at Zara asleep on her chest. The brunette smiles down at her. Zara  raises her head up and looks at her

Zara: Good morning, my love

Elena: Morning, Angel

Zara leans up and kisses her. Elena runs her hand through her, giving her a loving smile

Zara: Why are you staring at me like that?

Elena: Because you're breathtaking, that's why.

Zara smiles a warm adorable smile

Zara: I love you

Elena: I love you


Elliot is walking around the study and finds the burnt sage, Elijah enters the room

Elijah: You have your suspicions regarding mother as well, Elliot?

Elliot holds up the burned sage and Elijah takes it

Elliot: Burned sage for a silencing spell. Most likely she forced Elena into her plot as well.

Elijah: What do you think is her goal?

Elliot: I do not know but I aim to find out and kill her if I must.


Zara enters the living room as Kol speeds up in front of her

Kol: Well, well, there's our girl

Zara: Get out of my way!

Kol: Out all night with your doppelganger, sister. Such a scandal

Zara: I will knock your teeth out of your skull!

Klaus grins

Zara: Don't start, Nik

Klaus: I didn't say anything.

Kol: I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun. I need entertainment.

Klaus: What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it.

Kol: It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart.

Klaus: Okay. Why not? I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date.

Zara: Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in.

Kol: Why don't you suck your doppelganger's face?

Zara throws her shoe at Kol.

Zara: Good riddance, both of you!

Elijah walks into the room holding the burned sage

Elijah: Zara

Zara: What now, Elijah?

Elijah shows her the burned sage

Zara: Sage? Silencing spell? What did mother do?

Elijah: We do not know but Elliot suspects she forced Elena into helping her with her goal.

Zara: I see. Why don't you ask Finn? He's bee doling on her.

Elijah: I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are, he always has.

Zara: Very well. I shall keep Elena company then.


Bonnie is sitting on Elena's bed with her grimoire and a tray before her containing three lit candles and a bowl in which she is burning sage, while Elena talks to her.

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