Chapter 8

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Thank you for completing the goals in 1 day! 🥰❤️ So this is the second update of the day!

It was Mihir's first day in BMCC. He recently cleared his 10th by scoring good marks and took admission in Junior Wing of BMCC. He was so happy to start a new phase of his life. He got up early than usual and got ready. His face was screaming how excited he was. All brothers made a silent prayer to keep their youngest one's smile forever. Mihir took his bag and started leaving with Anish after completing his chocolate milk, but Revati stopped him. She went into the kitchen and came outside in 1 or 2 minutes with a bowl in her hand.

Revati: Monu, ye lo dahi shakkar. Aaj tumara 1st day hai na? Wish you all the very best.

Mihir: Thank you Bhabhi!

Revati fed Sweet Sugar to Mihir and he took blessings of all the elders before leaving. Advait was going to drop Mihir and Anish to the college. Mihir was so excited for his new inning. They bid bye to Advait and entered the college. Anish guided Mihir till the Junior Wing and once sure that Mihir understood everything, he left for his classes. Mihir went into the office and collected his timetable. He attended all his classes with enthusiasm. After 3 classes, at 12 'o clock, he had his lunch break. He was proceeding to the canteen when he saw a crowd formed in the ground. He went further to see what was happening and saw a group of girls and boys ragging one boy. They were making fun of the fresher, and making him dance. Mihir got angry seeing it. He went forward, near the boy to stop the bullying. Mihir helped the boy being bullied to stand who was fallen as one bully pushed him.

Mihir (shout): Stop it! You are seniors of this college and what are you doing? Ragging a fresher? Shame on you! Wait, I'll complain about the ragging matter to the principal.

The group started laughing loudly making Mihir confused. Nevertheless, Mihir ignored them and started walking ahead but one of that group pulled Mihir's hand causing him to fall down. The whole group encircled around Mihir. Mihir got a bit scared but didn't show it on his face.

Mihir: What the hell are you doing? Don't you know ragging and bullying is not allowed?

??: But who is gonna complain about us? You, Mihir Nigam? Youngest son of Amal Nigam and younger brother of Anish Nigam who studies in the same college in third year? Is the info right?

Mihir was shocked hearing that the person knew everything about him on the very first day. He was not getting who that person is as he was hidden behind two boys. But he was sure she was a girl as it was a girly sound, a bit familiar. The girl came forward shocking Mihir more.

Mihir: Amruta Di?

Amruta: Yes it's me, Mihir. Aur kon humari complaint karega? Tum? Dekhte hai kaise karte ho. Aaj tumhara first day hai right? Chalo hume aur ek new bee mila. Aaj tumhari bhi ragging hogi aur tum kisiko bata bhi nahi paoge.

Mihir: And why do you like that? I will complain.

Amruta smirked as if she expected him to say the same words. She came near Mihir and bent down, whispering in his ear.

Amruta: Cause if you did so, Anish will have to suffer. Tumhari ek complaint Anish pe bhaari padegi. Ab tum tye karo, tumhe complaint karna important hai ya apna Bhai.

She moved back smirking. Mihir was beyond shock hearing it. This was the first time he witnessed Amruta's this side. His brother's friend was using his brother to blackmail him. His thoughts were interrupted by a tight punch in his stomach. Mihir yelped in pain, clutching his stomach. Amruta was seeing it with a smirk. The boy who punched Mihir, caught hold of his collar and made him stand on his feet.

Amruta: Mihir, you threaten us to complain. Ab uski sajah bhugatni padegi. Guys, go ahead.

Mihir got scared and crawled back but the boys behind him held him. Mihir pleaded to be left but they didn't gave a heed to his pleadings. 2 boys came near him and pulled his jacket. They were harassing him in the ground. They snatched his bag and emptied it, throwing the books on the ground. Mihir's eyes turned teary. 2 boys slapped him and the boys who had held him, pushed him making him fall on the ground badly. He got hurt on his face. Amruta came near him and twisted his hand badly causing him scream in pain.

Amruta (calmly yet threatening): Will you still complain about us to the principal, Mihir?

Mihir didn't say anything. Seeing this, Amruta pinned Mihir's head with her other hand on the ground. She again repeated her question dangerously. Mihir shook his head in no with tears flowing down his eyes. Amruta smirked and left him. Another boy made Mihir stand with a jerk.

Boy (threatening): Dare you say something about this matter to anyone, even your family and you will face the worst side. Got it?

Mihir nodded slowly with tears. That's when Amruta saw Sid coming there searching for Mihir.

Amruta: Leave him. He got his lesson. Right Mihir?

Mihir nodded in yes. She told him to go and Mihir took all his belongings with teary eyes and started going. But how could Amruta let him go in ease? She put her leg in between Mihir's way deliberately. Mihir fell down. He got up wiping his tears and left. As soon as he left Sid came near Amruta and asked about Mihir's whereabouts. She acted like she don't know anything and send him in the opposite direction of where Mihir went. Mihir went in the washroom and started crying. He was even coughing. He had an allergy of dust and being forced to be on the ground, he started coughing a lot. His coughs were going out of control. Even he didn't have his medicine with him at that time. Mihir drank the water in one go. He was not able to have his lunch. Not even was able to attend the next classes. He was crying badly and was finding difficulty in breathing. Thankfully one boy from his class came there to use washroom saw him. He quickly took Mihir in college's clinic. The nurse treated him and gave him medicine. After sometime Mihir got calmed. He thanked that boy and the nurse and left. He checked the time and sighed. His college had already ended. He came into the washroom and washed his face. He dusted his clothes and straightened them. He went at the gate to find Anish talking with Amruta. Mihir's fear gripped him. He stopped on his place. Anish saw him and called him. Amruta too saw him and slyly smirked at him scaring him more. Mihir hesitantly went near them. Before anyone could saw anything, Advait came there. Mihir thanked God for sending Advait on right time. Anish, Mihir and Advait got sitted in the car. Mihir was silent whole ride. Advait and Anish frowned seeing it as they had expected Mihir to share his first day in college by himself, before they asked but he didn't . They tried asking Mihir about his first day but he remained silent. The moment they reached home, Mihir ran in his room locking the door and throwing himself on the bed. He cried till he heard a knock. Mihir wiped his tears and opened the door to find worried Anish and Advait. When asked about crying, he lied that he was missing his mother. They comforted him and fell asleep in Advait's lap. Due to dust allergy, Mihir got rashes on his body and even fever. Whole family took his care and tried to know the reason of his illness but Mihir always lied and never let them know the real reason behind it.

Mihir hugged his knees tightly remembering it. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to find Advait looking at him with teary eyes. Mihir couldn't control himself and threw himself in Advait's arms, pouring his heart out. Advait too rubbed his back, comforting him. He texted Abhi that he found Mihir. All came up and were broken seeing Mihir's vulnerable side. Anish felt guilty. After sometime Mihir stopped crying. Advait wiped his tears and placed a long kiss on his forehead. He took him down and made him sleep in his room. Advait didn't even let Anish be near Mihir for he was so angry at him for hurting and making Mihir cry.

To be continued...
That's it!

What would Advait do now?
Will Mihir forgive Anish?
What will happen when the family will get to know this memory?

Do comment your FAVOURITE PART!

Guess the answers to the questions. Do comment on them too. It's always fun reading them. And they encourage me a lot!

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