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3 years go by after the club wins the band competition, and they are all now in sophomore year of college while Milly is in freshman year and Sean in junior year.

Luke and Zander planned and got into the same university while all others are in different universities. Milly and Sean are in universities at other ends of the city.
Jake even left behind Rosemeadow and changed cities, so did Hailey.

"Not particularly for Jake, for her own future as well", as she says. But yes, Jake played a huge part in Hailey's desire to leave Rosemeadow.

Distance tore the squadfam, as milly liked to call it, apart, and only the PB&J couple remained close.

Whereas for Jake, it was a different story, it wasn't his own choice to leave. In fact he had made plans all over the summer after graduation to keep the group together.

However he got a great college outside Rosemeadow and it was too tempting to turn down, so he had to make the hard decision.

He only informed the club about it after the summer, just before leaving.

They all spent the summer well though, it was like a dream, a dream too good to be reality.

Hailey's slight crush on Jake around the time of the competition turned into a massive one over the summer, and she was absolutely heartbroken when she heard the news of him leaving Rosemeadow.

Hence, she also left on the hunt for Jake.
In the city of bustling opportunities and crushed dreams, the Big Apple, New York City.

Hailey didn't know where exactly in NYC Jake was,  but she was determined.
Although it was like looking for a needle in, forget a haystack, it was like looking for the needle in the entire damn ocean, though that, she never gave up over the course of 3 years.

He had also changed his number and nobody had any means of communicating with him.

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