05. Salt To The Wound

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-"I do not think we should be doing this" Catelyn said climbing over Visaemya's window.
-"You are right, the septas would not like two little girls sneaking out of the castle", she suddenly made a exaggerated thing face.-"Oh, I had forgotten, we do not like the septas" said Visaemya while grabbing onto the rope they had attached to fall from inside her chamber to the floor of the castle.
Visaemya had considered using Meagor's passages, but as much as she trusted Catelyn, she still wanted them to be a secret between her sister and her.

They had spent the entire day making knots along it to not fall when climbing down, they had also bribed a younger kid to cry at an specific time in the night and keep the knight that guarded that side castle occupied while they climbed down.
When both of them were on the floor, Visaemya tugged in the rope to indicate Rhaenyra to pick it up and hide it under her sister's bed.

The two girls ran to the weird tree and past it with out being seen, they had made an extremely important stop in the kitchen to grab some desserts.

They laid the blanket m they had taken from Visaemya's chambers to protect themselves from any disgusting bug the girl didn't like.

Days prior, Visaemya had been sneaking around Maegor's passages when she heard two measters talk about some astrological event that would be put my the gods themselves, so, that left her with no choice but to listen to the conversation until she had catched every detail about it, the princess had scraped her knee when she had tried to run back into the passages before the measters saw her.
But it had been worth it, it looked as is stars were raining inside de sky, it didn't last long, but they still stayed and talked about how they wanted their futures to look like.

Visaemya wanted to have many children with a man she actually loved, so did Catelyn, but not many children, she just wanted two, they settled that they would live together, with their husbands of course , but next to each other.
Visaemya wanted to marry a man with golden blonde hair and blue eyes, not much taller than her, she wouldn't like to feel tiny.
Catelyn wanted someone with black hair and curious brown eyes, who was much taller than her.
They both settled for a lean structure, not too much.

Though Visaemya said that she would prefer not to marry but rather run away with her best friend and her dragon, they could live on some remote island and raise many animals, they could go hunting together and if needed they could come and visit their family on dragon back.

They went back to their chambers once they had almost fallen asleep while talking.

The sleep they had dismissed was catching up on them the next day, Alicent had to spend the entire time keeping Visaemya awake during their time with the septas, Catelyn, has simply given up, she excused her self to go to the bathroom and didn't bother coming back.
Visaemya missed Lady Fianda, she was her original septa, the only one she liked, but past a year before she left the Reed Keep to take care of homeless children, Rhaenyra once brought up going to visit her while they were having dinner, but Viserys was quick to let bother girl's hopes down yelling them it was no place for princesses.

The happy days soon came to a stop.
Visaemya had been practicing her archery while Catelyn asked her about information from all of the houses.

-"House Martell?" Catelyn asked challenging.
-"Unbowed, Unbet, Unbroken" Visaemya answered confidently while shooting an arrow.
-"House Tyrell?" Catelyn continued
Before her friend could answer, a knight came asking for lady Catelyn, Visaemya thanked the old gods and the new, because she did not remember.
-"What is it?". The little girls asked looking at the fear in her friends face as she read the paper.
-"It's my mother, well it's my father, but he wrote about my mother, the measter said she in a delicate state, and that she wishes for me to come back.

They royal family had said their farewells and Visaemya watched her best friend's carriage ride away before turning to spend the rest of the day with Alicent and Rhaenyra.

Alicent had been running a hand trough Visaemya's hair while Rhaenyra told them about something she saw when flying with Syrax. When Ser Harrold came to inform the girls the Queen was in labor, they waited outside their mothers chambers.

Otto had taken Alicent away, he told her it was disrespectful since she did not share any blood with Queen Aemma and she would have surely found it insulting. Alicent knew it wasn't true, Queen Aemma was the most comforting figure in the castle and she also wanted to be there for her friends, she wanted to be there for Rhaenyra.

Both sisters sat with their legs in front of them and their backs pressed to teñir mother's chambers, Visaemya's head rested on Rhaenyra's shoulder as she rested her head on top of he little sister's, they were holding hand, both from fear and excitement, they were tired, neither noticed when they fell asleep, they only noticed when they had been carried back to Rhaenyra's chambers were the fell asleep.

When one of the maidens came in, she found a mess of tangled legs, arms and silver hair, Rhaenyra's dark purple eyes closed and Visaemya's too.

She delicately wake them up, told them the news and held them as they cried.

She had told the girls to give their mother some time to grieve, so they had, it had been two days since they had seen their mother, but all Aemma wanted, was to see her sweet children, all three of them, Rhaenyra, Visaemya and Baelion.

No one knew only sadder knew would come, days later Catelyn had written to Visaemya, her mother had died, she was staying in the Riverlands for longer.
Visaemya wanted to visit Catelyn, but she would not leave her mother after what she had been through.
They exchanged letters as often as their grievings heart allowed them to.

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