33. Sniches End Up In Ditches

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During the time she gave herself to get used to Dorne and its freedom she would fly Tessaris, sometimes taking Rhaenor with her, when he wasn't busy playing with Edmyre, they had gotten very close ever since he first arrived at King's Landing, she was glad her son had someone he could go to if she wasn't around.

She would spent at least two hours with Tessaris every day, whether it was flying or just lying with her on the ground while telling the stories she recalled from when she was younger, it also helped her with her High Valyrian, Rhaenyra was the only person she used it with, back at home, ever since they were kids they had been using it to cause trouble, when they didn't want people around them to know what they were talking about.

Visaemya had also brought with her the egg her dragon had laid the night Rhaenor was born, Tessaris often wrapped it around her, but it didn't seem to hatch.

She thought about teaching Rhaenor the language herself, but she would start once he had settled, which seemed to be quick.

Visaemya soon got close with Quoren too, he would take her to new places all the time, make her try new things, foods, activities.

She still practiced with Edmyre, but they didn't have to hide anymore and using the sword quickly became boring, she would stick with her bow and arrow.

After an entire week of Quoren taking Visaemya everywhere with him, with Rhaenor on Edmyre's shoulders following close behind them, he had finally started to gain her genuine trust and interest.

It had been moons since she had been in Dorne, the first time she laid with Quoren was when she realized this was her home now, she felt safe in it, it finally was time to settle, let the fear go away.

After the first time they were together, she had explained to him about her fear of not being ready to have a child yet, after Rhaenor she wished for some time to settle completely in Dorne before getting pregnant.

He was understanding with it, she drank moontea afterwards.

Soon a raven came from King's Landing informing her of Rhaenyra's latest news, she was with child.

Visaemya told Quoren with such enthusiasm he proposed to go visit once the child was born, but she changed the plans, they would go visit once her term was close to ending, that way she could be with Rhaenyra at her birth.

He just wanted to make her happy, so he agreed.

Visaemya had arrived to her chambers after spending the morning with Tessaris, taking her riding gloves off before taking a bath to go and see Rhaenor.

A knock on the door distracted her. One of the girls that had stuck to her side since she arrived slid between the doors with a worried look on her face, one Visaemya didn't notice.

-"Hello, Talia, I was just about to take-".
-"Princess something has happed to Rhaenor".

Visaemya quickly turned to face the girl as she felt all the life from her body fall to her feet. She walked towards the door and Talia followed her before quickening her pace to guide the princess.

When the doors to her son's chambers opened she saw the boy with bloodshot eyes sitting on Edmyre's lap while the knight tried to comfort him.

Visaemya walked toward him kneeling before him, checking the hand he was holding with his right hand, his index finger swelled and bruised. She then put both of her hands on the boy's cheek.

-"Are you alright". She asked trying to sound as calmed as possible, calm she didn't actually had in her at the moment.

-"It hurts, mommy". Rhaenor cried before crawling to his mother's lap.

She was quick to hug the boy, resting her head on top of his as he snuggled into her chest. -"Why don't we let the maester take a look at it, he will be gentle and tell us if there is something wrong".

Rhaenor nodded before allowing Visaemya to carry him to the table where the maester had placed his instruments.

The boy sat with crossed legs, his left arm stretched to the maester while his right one wrapped around Visaemya's arm while she hugged him.

The measter checked the broken finger, gently rubbing a cold mix of herbs over it before bandaging and adjusting four wooden sticks around the finger to keep it from moving then banging it again.

Visaemya had carried Rhaenor to the balcony after thanking the measter and the maids that had been with him.

She stood before the railing as the boy rested his head on her shoulder and right arm wrapped around her.

-"Do you wish to tell me how you hurt yourself".

-"Only if you promise not to be mad at Eddy". The nickname Rhaenor had given to Edmyre.

Visaemya looked back into the room where only the knight had stayed after everyone else had left.

-"Well, I'm sure if Edmyre broke your finger it was an accident, but if it wasn't then I will certainly be mad at him".

Rhaenor giggled before explaining to his mother what had happened. -"He didn't break my finger, we were playing outside, he didn't see when I fell".

-"Oh then I'm not mad at him, it was an accident, but both of you must be careful the next time you are playing".

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