Were Is Winter

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umm So this story escalated quickly. I hope you have enjoyed this story if you want you can give me ideas of what to write because I have no idea what to write when this part is done.

Qibli looked over to see Moon franticly searching the crowd but before he could ask her what she was looking for she said "Winter is missing!". Qibli could not believe it. Winter was not there. Moon and Qibli searched the crowd they asked every one they knew but nobody knew were he went. "winter probably went back to our sleeping cave" Qibli said trying to calm Moon down as he twined his tail around hers carefully. Qibli could tell by her face that she also felt bad for what they had done to Winter.

Moon and Qibli went to Moons sleeping cave because they did not want to make Winter more mad and kinkajou was out doing who knows what with turtle. When they got to Moons sleeping cave after a few awkward moments of not talking or making eye contact Qibli said "sooo do you want to continue what we were doing stage? " "YES!" moon yelled and right then moon leaned in and kissed Qibli they stayed like that for a wile only braking for quick breaths in between.

They were too distracted by there kissing and doing moons know what to see what time it was and by the time they were done it was 1: 32 am they then cleaned off and went to bed together side by side tails intertwined.

"Moon can I tell you some thing?" Qibli asked Right before they fell asleep "Yes" moon said "you can tell me anything."   

"M-Moon I L-Love y-" Qibli was interrupted by Moon kissing him his hart felt like it was going to burst out of his chest as she pulled away and whispered in his ear " I love you to ". Then they fell asleep right then together.

EEEEEE oh my gosh I love this chapter its my favourite so far! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!

- numberonemoonblifan

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