This is not a real chapter but is is why Moonbli is better.

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I did not wright this but I 100% agree.

What I love so much about Moonwatcher and Qibli as a couple is how much the two of them need each other in their lives to help them deal with their biggest mental struggles.

Moon's biggest flaw is that she's shy and scared she'll mess things up with her powers. Her mother told her it was "a curse" and Darkstalker told her it was "to make herself powerful and feared" by others. Qibli was the only one who ever told her that her powers could be used for good by helping other dragons. It's only after that when she gained real confidence in herself and stopped being ashamed of her powers. Qibli also calmed her down on repeated occasions when she got too stressed out by the situation. Whether it was silly jokes or fake confidence, he was always able to keep her in the game and help her continue to push forward in achieving her goals. Moon needs someone like Qibli to soothingly encourage her not to blame herself when things go wrong and to warmly remind her that everything will be alright in the end. Moon once said that "she needs him for his kindness, humor, and good listening". This is what she meant: her childhood being completely isolated from everyone else and always having nightmares about horrific futures made her mentally unstable, and Qibli is always understanding and gives her comfort, representing exactly what she wants to see in others and keeping her optimism up.

Qibli's biggest flaw is that he feels useless and ordinary with the way he is. His mother never loved him and that drove him into trying to make as many dragons as possible like him just to prove to himself that he's not a "waste of scales". Moon was the one who told him exactly what he needed to hear: she put it firmly in his mind that he's great the way he is. She's constantly praising him for his clever ideas and making sure he knows she's serious about the compliments she gives him. Even Thorn doesn't make that great of an effort to build his self-esteem because she doesn't know how much he's hurting inside. Moon reminded him of all the selfless things he's done and how clever he is and that he doesn't need any poisoned magic to be special and amazing. It's only after that when he truly stops feeling so empty and becomes content with the way he is, no longer desiring for magic powers or other rare abilities. Qibli needs someone like Moon to drive his childhood horrors away by reminding him how much good he's doing for the world and keeping an eye out for whenever he's feeling down on himself. Qibli once said that he is like "a broken vase and Moon is the piece that would fit him back together". This is what he meant: his family broke his self-esteem away from him as a child with constant scolding and bullying, and Moon has the power to repair it for him with her warmhearted praise.

Moon and Qibli were both having a really hard time with themselves before they met, and the other knew exactly how make them feel better. They're very understanding with each other and they both put in the full effort to be the partner that the other one needs.

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