Coming out to them Demo

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I'm back! :) Happy pride month everyone and this year I want to actually make a pride scenario but I'm not sure about posting it so here's a sample

Makoto Naegi
- It wasn't coming out to him that was hard it was explaining it to him
- Once you did explain your sexuality his first thought was " does that still mean you love me?"
-He was cool with your sexuality as long as you still love him the same and your happy

Hajime Hinata
-He was kinda nonchalant about it and found it random
-As long as your comfortable in your body he's happy for you
-He offered to buy you a flag(s) if you wanted

Shuichi Saihara
-He was proud that you came out to him
-He also offered to but you a flag(s) or just a few accessories if you wanted
-just wants to support you as much as possible
-(I imagined his his happy sprite while writing this)

Anyways let me know if you want the full thing cause I don't know how most of you would feel about it.❤

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