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Long before the First Settlers crossed the Kraken's Sea before it was called the Kraken's Sea, the Old World, known as Argos was said to have been one of the greatest civilizations ever to be seen in Known World with its advancements in weaponry, art, music and architecture, though details remain blurring as much of Argos' history is based solely on assumption and bits and pieces of evidence recovered during the last years of Lord Jason Bryant's life, who learned of the country's history, during his eight year stay.

Most of Argos' history is believed to have been purposely omitted from the pages of history in Dragos' own textbook, possibly by the First Settlers themselves, who desired to forsake their homeland and to forsake the unfortunate downfall of Argos' people and its achievements, which had been supposedly dismantled by religious extremists within Argos' own monarchies.

In the crescendo of Argos' Golden Age, it is believed that the Argosians achieved more advancements in architecture and art, but something much darker and more malevolent was brewing in the civilization: religious extremism.

Factions of devout followers of Argos' forsaken deities swept across the realm, forcing many to their ways and killing those who defied them. Many of these factions died out and were forgotten, but the deadliest and most unpredictable of these factions survived all the way until the end of Argos: The Holy Sect of Aemoth, the God of Fire, according to the research of Grand Scholar Nillios.

Living life to the exact standards of Aemoth was essential for all of his followers to live by every moment of every day and those who did not conform or adhere to the teachings of the God of Fire, punishment would be mutilation or murder.

Those who followed the God of Fire, were expected to adhere to a list of ten instructions, said to have been written by the hand of Aemoth himself, but likely by the fanatical clergy of the Fire God.


As Translated from Stone Tablets Recovered from Plateao

I. Aemoth is the God of all Gods; therefore, no gods shall be worshipped before him; pain of death will be the punishment for breaking this most sacred commandment

II. Followers of Aemoth will not desecrate any shrines or temples that honor the God of all Gods; Death will be the punishment

III. All followers must bring non-followers to the ways of Aemoth, either by the words of Aemoth himself or by the sword; those who do not accept will perish

IV. Men of Aemoth will not lay down with any women unless they are married

V. Followers of Aemoth must not consume wine; such beverage is meant for Aemoth and Aemoth alone

VI. Honor the anointed disciples of Aemoth; dishonor will be met with death

VII. All children of Aemoth must adhere to the teachings of the anointed disciples without question

VIII. Followers shall not bare false witness; violators shall have their tongues cut from their mouths

IX. Followers shall not covet their neighbor's spouses; violators will have their genitals removed

X. Keep holy the Days of Worship

As barbaric as these so-called "commandments" were, the followers of Aemoth followed them without question or second thoughts

And for a thousand years, the Holy Sect of Aemoth held a powerful iron grip upon all of Argos' monarchies, forcing them to bring forth laws and decrees to benefit the Holy Sect itself and to punish those who did not follow.

It would most definitely explain why the First Settlers of Dragos chose to brave the Kraken's Sea and sail away from their homeland with what they could carry and the hope of finding a whole new country to call home....

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