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Never in the history of Ganymedes has any Grand Scholar or Scholar penned the history of the realms beyond our homeland...until now.

These next chapters contain the recorded histories of the countries that lie beyond Dragosi borders and across the Trident Sea and the Glowing Sea.


Let it be known, peoples of the Known World, that the Tai'Aharan people of the Summerlands of Dragos were actually the original masters of the continent known as Korath.

The Tai'Aharans mastered the continent of Korath, when it was originally called Tai'Ahar for thousands of years, until they were driven out by their own slaves, during a massive uprising, that in time would be called the Rebellion of Slaves.

The slaves were now the masters of Tai'Ahar, which they renamed Korath, after their oceanic deity of the same name.

The remnants of the Tai'Aharan people fled across the Glowing Sea and first established a settlement outpost on the Salty Isles, fifty miles southwest of the Southern Shores of Dragos. The Tai'Aharans remained and continued their lives on the Salty Isles for another hundred years, until they set their sights on the Southern Shores of Dragos.

With their oppressors banished, the Rebellion of Slaves was complete. The continent was now theirs and within months, Tai'Ahar was renamed as Korath and its people being the Korathi.

The true origins of the people that would call themselves the Korathi are not known and perhaps they will never be known.

The ancient Tai'Aharan city of Eudoras and the castle known as the Krakenfort, which is built at the foot of a long extinct volcano, known as the Leviathan, were claimed by the Korathi and there, they established their own monarchy, beginning with the reign of Thaedos; a reign that lasted for the better part of fifty years, until he was succeeded by his eldest son Balthazar.

Nothing eventful would take place until the glorious reign of King Cyrus in the year 493 B.D. (Before the Destroyer).

The young heir of King Cyrus, Prince Martel proposed the idea of building a naval force, to protect Korath's shores from any invading force. In the back of every Korathi's minds, there was still the fear of the Tai'Aharans finally seeking out retribution.

The young prince's proposal was approved by His Grace, King Cyrus and the work began to raise the proud Korathi Naval Fleet; a fleet that would become known as the deadliest naval force the Known World had ever seen.

Scholars argue that the Korathi knew nothing of building seaworthy vessels, but all arguments were silenced by the research of Grand Scholar Cordell, for in his manuscript The Great People of Korath: Their Origins and Their Continuing Pursuit of Peace and Prosperity, the Korathi learned the art of ship-building all the way back during their dark times as slaves to the Tai'Aharans. Some Old Ones in Eudoras and Mathayos believe that they may have learned shipbuilding long before their enslavement.

Prince Martel's initial vision was to build massive ships to carry at least fifty or more warriors, with catapults built upon their decks. This would become a much harder task for the Crown of Korath, but mostly in coin. The King's Royal Banker invested a large portion of the Crown's treasury into the building of the fleet.

Many trees were cut down and used to build each ship. It took at least seven years for the Korathi to finish their mighty fleet.

Unfortunately, one year before the fleet's completion, King Cyrus had died after being exposed to a poisonous plant in the rainforest, known as the Pu' Nara. In turn, Martel ascended to the throne of Korath and oversaw the final leg of completing his vision.

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