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The sub-tropical lands that make up the Summerlands are inhabited by the mighty tribes of the Tai'Aharans and the Kaliso.

Thousands of years ago, before the First Settlers crossed the Kraken's Sea and witnessed Khalar the Fiery One perish, the surviving tribes of the continent Tai'Ahar fled their homeland in the wake of the Rebellion of Slaves. And in their victory, the Tai'Aharan slaves would call themselves the Korathi and the land of Tai'Ahar renamed Korath, in honor of the slaves' oceanic god of the same name.

While the Korathi began the work of building their new home upon the ruins of their former masters' homeland, the Tai'Aharans that survived the Rebellion found themselves sailing on their primitive bamboo and kokobaum wood canoes across the Glowing Sea, until landing on four untouched islands called the Salty Isles, though the Tai'Aharans have another name for these islands; a name that the Scholars do not even know; not even merchants or pirates that have sailed through the Glowing Sea know of the name.

On those four islands, the Tai'Aharans established themselves a new home and remained there for at least a hundred years, rebuilding their way of life and incorporating new things into their culture, including the invention of their well-known battle staffs that would be known as Po'Kahns.

A hundred years passed and the Tai'Aharans began looking north of the Salty Isles to the Southern Shores of Dragos. Only fifty Tai'Aharan boats sailed from the Salty Isles and found a large cove that would serve as a staging area for more Tai'Aharans who would follow.

It was in that cove that the foundations of the first Tai'Aharan city would be established: Titan's Port.

Over another hundred years, the Tai'Aharans built the coastal port town of Titan's Port and the city of Titan's Reach from the ground up, which included a great many homes, fishing markets, a house of worship for their great god, Ke'Nau and finally a large stone statue of their mighty god, wielding a Po'Kahn of his own. The great statue itself was chiseled out of a massive rock lying a hundred yards offshore. That task of chiseling a statue was a massive undertaking on the Tai'Aharans' part.

Within a thousand years, the Tai'Aharans prospered in their new homeland in the South of Dragos. Titan's Reach was the catylyst for the next great Tai'Aharans city: Sapphire Bay.

Like their old home across the Glowing Sea, the Tai'Aharans built Sapphire Bay from the ground up, just as they did with Titan's Reach.

When the city was half-way to its completion, plans were drawn up for the royal family's home: a palace said to have been made from precious jade stones that the Tai'Aharans mined in the caverns underneath the site of where Sapphire Bay would be built. Thus, the foundation of the Jade Fort was made.

But while the majority of the Tai'Aharans were building Sapphire Bay and the Jade Fort, a small contingent of Tai'Aharan workers were tasked with building an outpost a few miles from Titan's Reach.

The site of this outpost was located in front of a large field of grain and grass and a great many stallions roaming free and grazing upon the grain and grass. Stallion's Field it would called in the centuries after Locust Hall's completion.

In the tenth year after the Jade Fort's completion, construction of Lucust Hall was coming to its end. 

But, on the day before Locust Hall's completion, the Tai'Aharans were visited by an unexpected group of men that marched from dwellings deep inside the Dreadwoods beyond Stallion's Field. These men, led by a woodcutter named Blackstone, had never before seen a people like the Tai'Aharans.

Unfortunately, these men made a horrible decision in charging the Tai'Aharans. A group of untrained men going up against a legion of battle-hardened Tai'Aharans: a great funny tale to tell all of the South in the centuries to come.

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