5. Text Message / Real Life

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[text message between Luna and Jin]

How are you feeling?



I'm sorry that I wasn't there when you needed me

No one, not even, saw it coming Jin, honestly it was a complete shock that I'm still trying to process

I saw the post on Instagram by soompi

The entire world saw it

I'm calling

Jin is calling
Accept Decline


"Has he tried to make contact with you?"

"No," Luna replied shaking her head before realizing Jin couldn't see her before singing as she looked down at her sleeping twins, "the last thing he told me after breaking up with me was that he doesn't want to be part of the twins loves and that he never wants to see them."

"Are you kidding me?" Jin asked disgusted and Luna sniffled as she felt a new wave of tears blur her vision, she could hear the other BTS members in the background talking and she wished she could be with them as their photographer again so she could take her mind off of the pain and heartache she was feeling.

Luna hesitated before replying, "I wish I could say I'm okay, but I'm not. It hurts so much, Jin. I never thought he would do this."

Jin's voice softened, "I'm here for you, Luna. We all are. You're not alone in this. We'll get through this together."

Luna felt a glimmer of hope in Jin's words, a warmth spreading through her as she realized she had a support system in her family and friends, even if her ex had turned his back on her and their children.

"Thank you, hyeong. I appreciate you more than words can say," Luna whispered, grateful for the unyielding support from her older brother.

As Jin continued to talk to Luna, she felt a sense of strength and determination building within her. With her friends by her side, she knew she could overcome any obstacle that came her way.

As Luna wiped away her tears, she took a deep breath and composed herself. Jin's caring words had provided her with a sense of comfort during this difficult time. She knew that while the road ahead would be challenging, she had family and friends who would always be there for her.

"I don't know what the future holds, Jin, but I do know that I have amazing friends like you by my side," Luna said, a hint of determination in her voice.

Jin replied, "We will support you through this, Luna. You are strong, resilient, and loved."

With those words echoing in her mind, Luna felt a flicker of hope ignite within her. She knew that with the love and support of her friends, she could begin to heal and rebuild her life. No matter what challenges lay ahead, Luna was ready to face them head-on with her friends beside her.

After speaking with her brother, Luna checked in in her twins and smiled, they were her strength and she knew she would do everything in her power to raise them in an environment where they know nothing but love and affection. When her ex had texted her while she had been in the hospital after just giving birth to the babies, she had been happy as she had barely seen him since he began filming his new show but that happiness had dropped when the words it's over between us so don't call, text or anything else. I don't want anything to do with the kids either. I'm signing over my parental rights to them which means I am no longer their dad.

She was utterly heartbroken at she read those words over and over again as tears rolled down her face blurring her vision. She didn't know what to do, she was confused. She didn't know what she had done for him to break up with her over a text message hours after having the babies.

Luna sat in silence, her heart heavy with the weight of her ex's hurtful words. The pain of rejection and abandonment cut deep, leaving her feeling lost and vulnerable. She clung to her twins, finding solace in their presence, a reminder of the love and strength that filled her heart.

As Jin's comforting words echoed in her mind, Luna felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her. She knew she was not alone, that she had a support system of friends and family who would stand by her side through this storm.

Taking a deep breath, Luna reached for her phone and sent a message to Jin, "Thank you for being there for me. Your support means the world to me during this difficult time."

Jin quickly replied, "I will always be here for you, Luna. You're my sister and I will always be there for you."

Luna felt a sense of gratitude for the unwavering support she had in her life. With her friends by her side, she knew she could weather this storm and come out the otherAs Luna sat in the quiet of the night, she felt a mixture of emotions swirling within her. The pain of rejection and betrayal from her ex, the overwhelming love for her children, and the deep gratitude for the unwavering support of her friends and family.

In the stillness of the moment, Luna found herself reflecting on the strength she had discovered within herself. She had faced heartbreak and adversity, yet she was still standing, her spirit unbroken. She knew that she had a long and challenging road ahead of her, but she also knew that she had the resilience and determination to overcome whatever obstacles came her way.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Luna made a silent promise to herself and her children. She would be their rock, their source of love and stability. She would create a home filled with laughter, warmth, and unwavering support. No matter what challenges lay ahead, Luna was ready to face them with courage and grace.

As she looked at her sleeping twins, a sense of peace washed over her. In their innocent faces, she found the strength to move forward, to rebuild her life, and to create a bright future for them.

With a deep breath, Luna whispered into the stillness of the night, "I may not have all the answers, but I have love, strength, and the support of those who care for me. And with that, I know we will be okay."

And in that moment of quiet resolve, Luna found a glimmer of hope shining brightly in her heart, guiding her on a path of healing, growth, and resilience. Together with her loved ones by her side, she knew that she could conquer whatever challenges life threw her way.

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