11. Private Message / Real Life

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Hi Luna

I know that what I did hurt you but I'm really trying to fix my mistakes and I'm begging you to give me a chance to make it up to you

Please talk to me

Accept message request from Michael Ramirez (MichaelRamirez)?

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Luna rolled her eye as she read the messages that her ex had sent and sighed. It's already been 4 months since the break up and since she has moved on from that event. Specially now that she was contacted by a representative of Seventeen to be their photographer for their online concert in the 23rd of January's which was in three weeks. That was her main focus along with her twins and before flying to Seoul to be the photograph for BTS for their Muster Sowoozoo two night show in June.

"What's with the frown?" Jin asked her as he walked into her apartment to visit.

"Michael keeps messaging me," she replied to her brother and Jin raised a brow, "he's been messaging me none stop since his break up from his costar."

"Does he really think he can just magically pop up and you'll take him back?" Jin asked, "you're not planning on taking him back are you?"

"Absolutely not," she replied and he nodded, "he's getting in my nerves seriously."

As Jin listened to Luna talk about Michael, he couldn't help but feel protective of his sister. He knew how much she had been through with that relationship, and he didn't want to see her hurt again.

"Listen, Luna, you don't owe him anything. If he's trying to make amends, that's his journey to figure out," Jin said, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Focus on the kids and the fact you're going to be joining Seventeen and us on our events. You deserve to shine bright in your career and in life."

Luna smiled gratefully at her brother's words, feeling reassured and determined to make the most of the exciting projects she had lined up. She knew she had a supportive network around her, and she was ready to embrace the future with open arms.

"Thank you oppa," she replied and Jin smiled as he gave her a hug before the twins woke up crying alerting the siblings of their own presence. Luna chuckled and shook her head before standing up with Jin following suit, "I'm going to go get them, can you prepare a bottle for them?"

"I'm already on it," Jin said as he walked to the kitchen while Luna made her way to their twins nursery.

The sound of the twins' cries echoed through the house as Luna entered their nursery. She was greeted by the sight of two adorable little faces, red and tear-streaked, reaching out for her. Luna's heart swelled with love as she picked up the twins, one in each arm, and cradled them close to her.

"Shh, it's okay, mommy's here," Luna whispered soothingly, rocking the babies back and forth. She could feel their tiny bodies relaxing in her arms, the cries fading into little hiccups and sniffles. Luna smiled down at them, her heart bursting with love for her precious children.

As she settled the twins back down in their cribs, Luna couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over her. Despite the challenges she had faced in her personal life, she was grateful for these two little miracles that brought joy and purpose into her life every day.

Returning to the living room, Luna found Jin waiting with two bottles in hand. She smiled gratefully at him as he handed her one of the bottles, and together they fed the twins, watching with adoration as the babies drank eagerly.

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