7. Text Message

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[text message between Luna and Michael]

Can we talk?

What for?

I'm sorry for how I ended our relationship

You're sorry?
You ended our relationship over a text message and three hours after I had the twins

I know and I'm sorry
I don't know why I did it

Why are you really messaging me?
Because I know it's not to apologize for ending our 9 year relationship over a text message when you could have been a man and done it in person

I know I was not thinking and I know I messed up but please can we talk, in person? Please?

No, because of you had wanted to talk you would have done it four months ago when I was still in Beijing but you decided to be a coward and not even go home to talk like an adult.

Luna please, I just want to talk. I know I fucked up and I regret it I really do. Ever since we broke up I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and the kids

Don't you dare bring them up in this because they are not yours or have you forgotten that you singed your rights over them when we broke up?
And I'm going to take a wild guess and just say that the only reason you're reaching out to me now is because of your break up with your co-star?

How did you know about that?

It's not that hard to figure out considering there was an article about it written two hours ago and you just so happen to message right after. You're real pathetic man Michael. Please never message me again or get near me or the twins or so help me I will not hesitate to make your life a living hell.

Luna, please try to understand. I made a mistake with you and I'm trying to learn from it. I know I messed up with the way I handled things, but I want to make things right somehow. I admit my faults and I'm willing to face the consequences.

Michael, your apologies mean nothing when your actions speak otherwise. I won't entertain any more of your excuses or attempts to reach out to me. It's over between us, and I need you to respect my decision to move on without you. Goodbye, Michael.

Block Michael?
Yes          No


*You have blocked Michael and he will no longer be able to message or call you*

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